[meteorite-list] >>> Missing main mass of Chassigny discovered = APRIL FOOL

From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 1 13:53:48 2005
Message-ID: <20050401185344.71029.qmail_at_web25804.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello to the List,

Sorry that Michael took this news as an important one
and not a (possible) joke on this day before looking
at the date of post.

Proof that I posted it on April 1st is that it appears
on April meteorite-list archive (Fri Apr 1 00:54:29
EST 2005) (and it was April 1st in France)...

I think that most of you, the List members, found it
was a joke and have the sense of humour ; I received
some emails in that way.

I apologize if I've hurt anyone with my April fool...

Anyway, it's always interesting to learn that about
4kg of Chassigny stones may sleep in an attic, and I'm
serious when I say this. It could be a great idea to
do some search in the Chassigny village.

Best regards and the finding of this remain stone will
be the dream and Holly Grail of every meteorite hunter
for sure.

Pierre-Marie PELE


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Received on Fri 01 Apr 2005 01:53:44 PM PST

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