[meteorite-list] NWA 869 - Where are the reports?

From: Göran Axelsson <axelsson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Sep 26 14:25:07 2004
Message-ID: <41570AD5.1000106_at_acc.umu.se>

Hello list!

I was looking for research done on NWA 869 since I have bought
some pieces that I believe is paired with this one and I want to learn
more about it. Finally I ended up at the Meteoritical Society master
index between 1957 and 2002.
I believed that the society was THE clearinghouse for names on
meteorites but to my surprise there is a large gap of missing NWA
numbers from 867 to 899. Is this because the reports isn't ready
yet, publiced in some different place or is there another reason?

As I understand it UCLA have made two analyses with different
classifications. No strange in that, just interesting, but I haven't
seen any referenses to any scientific report. Why?
For one of the most commonly available chondrites there seems
to be very little research done on it.

Could someone give me a pointer to a report or some reference?

Thanks in advance!

I guess that I'm in the "Every meteorite is cool" camp. :-)

Received on Sun 26 Sep 2004 02:30:45 PM PDT

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