[meteorite-list] Fw: Matteo...And the letter from "The Wiz"
From: j.divelbiss_at_att.net <j.divelbiss_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Sep 21 16:56:53 2004 Message-ID: <092120042056.28694.41509591000EF5320000701621587667209C9C070D040A90070BD206_at_att.net> Jerry, I'd be willing to participate in this investigation if Mexico Doug could send me some his buttons ahead of time to help open my mind to the level necessary to solve these issues with the said company present. Otherwise I wouldn't relate too well. JD PS: So that's why Doug lives in Mexico writing complex threads/responses to the list that most of us don't understand...hmmmmm? We love you Doug...just kidding. -------------- Original message from "Jerry A. Wallace" : -------------- > Hi Martin, > > You're absolutely right. Your nomination of Steve (CAPTAIN CHICAGO) > Arnold is > nothing short of brilliant especially since Steve has the new camera. > Together these two > gentlemen could saunter forth in the "37 foot motor home complete with a > washer and > dryer", solving the mysteries of the Universe in short order. (Of > course, Steve Captain > Chicago would need to learn how to operate that camera first.) > > The gentleman who wrote the letter also mentioned that he was in need of > someone who > could handle the documentation of the fantastic discoveries. Since > Captain Chicago is- > ummmm... somewhat challenged in the verbiage department, it might be > better to hand > those duties over to someone with a flair for language. > > Perhaps Matteo ....er- I mean Mauro, could be enlisted to join the team > to handle the > writing chores for the group. What a super team that would make. No > scientific or > historical mystery could long stand against such a overwhelming force. > NASA (and the > science community in general) would be all aquiver and atitter at the > prospect of having > such a powerful resource available to solve for them all those nagging, > nitty-gritty questions, > such as proof of life throughout the universe, the big bang, time travel > through wormholes > (in a 37 foot motor home complete with a washer and dryer), etc. It > would seem that in > keeping with the overall theme that seems to be developing here, that > the 37 foot motor > home complete with a washer and dryer, would need a complete makeover. > Maybe > converting it into something along the lines of a horizontal, fat, shiny > black rocket ship > would be the ticket. > > The team would need to design and wear some flashy, tight fitting, lycra > uniforms replete > with capes, perhaps something along the lines of Batman and Robin, > Superman, or > UnderDog (my personal favorite). But then, since they will be an > investigative team using > their massive intellectual capacities, maybe a somewhat more staid > costume might be in > order- something reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes, in a conservative brown > plaid, replete > with the trademark hat, pipe, and cape, of course. Yes, that would > probably be better. > > The news of their discoveries and their (probably) astounding answers to > the riddles of > the universe should be reported in the the most prestigious science > journals of our time. > After a quick review of those available, I can only conclude that even > the best of those > would be found lacking and therefore it is my considered opinion that > the PROUD TOM > website must be brought back in order to properly share the news of the > team's discoveries > with the world. > > But the NAME for the team would be of utmost importance. It must reflect > not only the > undisputed preeminence of the individuals comprising the team, but must > also proclaim the > promise and importance of the team's future work of providing milestones > millstones in > science. > > Boy, now that's a hard one. I've never been too good at naming things, > but I'll > take a shot... > The Titillating Triumverate. Naw, doesn't really roll off the tongue, > does it? > The Astounding Trio. No, not much there either. > The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Oops. That one's already been used. > Team Universe. Does have sort of an all-encompassing smell to it, eh what? > > Well, at any rate, I, for one, am certainly holding my breath and > looking forward to > the news of fantastic doings by the Super Team. > > Martin, thanks for sharing the letter from the unnamed gentleman with > the dream, all > the answers, the 37 foot motor home complete with a washer and dryer, > and the pick > up truck load of meteorites. The man has it all! Shoot, with his luck > I'll bet his wife > owns a liquor store and a nice bass boat. > > Regards, > > Jerry > > ................................................................................ > ........................................... > > Martin Altmann wrote: > > >Hi, > > > >I think this enthusiast needs some help too. > >He's from Illinois, so perhaps Steve Chicago may arrange a meeting at Jimmy > >Buffet. > > > >Cheers, > >Martin > > > >............ > >This letter was sent to others for a different reason but! you METEORITE > >lovers should be interested in knowing that I can show you if there is life > >on planets from any meteorites, I happen to have quite a pick up truck load > >of meteorites. I can tell you if life was ever on a planet as well as what > >that life looked like if any, from any meteorite. > > > >I have discovered many things do not let yourself down, you should look into > >my claims. Meteorites are nothing compared to the rest of the story. > > > >I have some discoveries that will rock the world and need the help of > >someone with your talents. > > > >I have been doing my own private research for many years that has led to the > >biggest news the world could hear to date. > > > >I am not good at publishing or documenting as well as photographing my > >discoveries that I need to share with the world. > > > >This will be the best news or story you could ever be a part of. > > > >I wish to meet with someone who could help me launch these discoveries to > >the world. > > > >I seem to have discovered the key to all things that exist I say this > >because there seems to be no end to even more knowledge every day. > > > >This system of things we call earth and all that exist in and around it has > >a way of recording events and information as well as images since the > >beginning of time and I have discovered how to tap into this information. > > > >I have been doing this for quite some time now so I do know that for sure I > >have discoveries that the world should know about. > > > >I could take you to any spot on earth and teach you how to find the history > >of that area complete with images, as well as what people or life looked > >like all the way back to creation. This is so easy to know but a lot of hard > >work for me to learn and I am still learning about these never ending > >things. > > > >How would you like to go to Stonehenge or the Pyramids or any of the wonders > >of the world and in just a few min. know things that no other person knows > >about? > > > >I need someone that could photograph these things as well as paint them if > >they could? I need this person to be able to document and publish these > >discoveries as we go along. > > > >I will need help protecting the rights to these discoveries or any > >information as a result of these discoveries and information or pictures and > >paintings etc. > > > >A photographer and publisher would do very well with this exciting > >challenge. I am not sure how to show you these things without giving away > >too much information to everyone while trying to recruit someone to work > >with me? > > > >If I can meet with someone to show them my discoveries there will be no > >question that the person will know my discoveries are great and that they > >will want to drop everything and work with me. > > > >I have just purchased a 37āT motor home complete with a washer and dryer so > >that I can travel the USA and teach someone these things so that we can > >launch this good news to the entire world and then we could travel around > >the world filming these things. > > > >I doubt that we could run out of news and pictures for some time or ever? I > >know this sounds too big to be true but it is very true. > > > >There is much more than I will talk about here. > > > >I am sure you will make much more money than you would with any or all of > >your other clients. You would have access to hot news that no others have. > >You could be part of rediscovering the pyramids with truth that no others > >know about, or any of the wonders of the world. > > > >If I could get someone with your talents to work with me you would see that > >we could make enough that you would never have a need for money again. > > > >Dona?Tt get me wrong I am not in this for just the money, I must share this > >with the world, I have information that people do not know about the Bible > >as well as Mythology as people call it I can prove that their understanding > >of mythology is wrong. > > > >Do you think that the constellations are just an accident? They have more > >meaning than anyone could guess, there is also many more than anyone knows > >about. > > > >By the way because of the way this knowledge work it is not limited to the > >earth > > > >I can teach NASA many things that would be helpful to them. I can teach them > >about many things that they are photographing that they do not know the > >answers to. I can teach them how to tell if there was ever life on any > >planets as well as show them what that life look ed like and I can tell them > >if they were an advanced civilization. > > > >I know this does sound too big to be true but! it is true, I have spent > >years studying and testing these things until they are no longer a theory. > > > >I know the more I say the more I would convince you that this canāTt be true > >but, there is no other way of telling you the claims I have, I can tell you > >what I have or what I donāTt have, I would rather tell you what I have. I > >have nothing to gain by making up anything. I am a very sound stable person > >with an extensive background in many things except publishing and filming. > >Just how hard will it be to look into my claims? I can convince you in less > >than a half-hour. > > > >Someone will take me up on this will it be you? > > > >Letā?Ts see if we could or would be able to work together. > > > >You tell me how I need to do this or how I can convince you that what I have > >is real. > > > >Think about this, if I try and tell you something no one has ever heard of > >or try and teach you over the phone these things that no one has ever heard > >of how would you do it? > > > >I can show more proof in person than you could ever need to convince you. > > > >Thanks > > > >______________________________________________ > >Meteorite-list mailing list > >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Tue 21 Sep 2004 04:56:50 PM PDT |
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