[meteorite-list] NWA 869

From: Peanut .. <cj_peanut_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Sep 13 17:02:20 2004
Message-ID: <BAY5-F12rDs9aAOPpBp000a1234_at_hotmail.com>

I don't understand this:

Adam said: "Using the name NWA 869 is meaningless because like Kem Kem it
has become a catchall stone. I would go as far as to say, you would better
off selling NWA 869 as unclassified because an unclassified stone seems to
be worth more on the open market these days."

I have a kilo of Unclassified, I bought 869 to have some variety. I also
sell Dag 476,NWA 3118,3111,3112,1792,1906, 1929 and 1930.
I understand what your saying this stone has become, but why perpetuate this
being a shit stone?

There are new collectors and future dealers reading these postings and to a
new collector, they may take this meteorite as a specimen not worth getting.

Adam, I mean no disrespect here, just an opinion!

Received on Mon 13 Sep 2004 04:22:49 PM PDT

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