[meteorite-list] Genesis Reentry - fireball experiment

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Sep 3 21:16:52 2004
Message-ID: <20040904011650.99365.qmail_at_web51704.mail.yahoo.com>


Hello List,

The above link is a detailed map image which depicts
the ground path of the Genesis daytime fireball.

If any of you are lucky enough to witness this event,
and are interested in participating in a little
experiment, please contact me off-List.
The experiment is a test of our observational skills.
A sort-of "ground-truth" exercise.

Your participation in this experiment only requires
you to observe and record (to the best of your
abilities) the fireball produced by the reentry of the
Genesis bolide/spacecraft. Then contact me with your
results. (All-Sky Camera Networks are definitely to be
included in this effort.)

The intent of this exercise is to treat this recorded
data as if it were taken from observations of a "real"
(meteoroid) fireball. From this observational data we
will then "predict" a most likely fall location for
this "object". And finally, we will then look to see
how close that location compares to where Genesis
would have landed (had it no drag-shute or parasail).

The purpose of this exercise is to determine what
degree of accuracy can be expected from solely using
eye-witness interviews to determine a meteorite fall
location. It is hoped that these results will
develope some degree of confidence in the ability to
recover meteorites by this "eye-witness account"

Should the "eye-witness" method fail, then the focus
shifts to determining the degree of accuracy by means
of the "All-Sky Camera" network, and to determining
what degree of confidence we can place in the ability
to recover meteorites with just a limited number of

Would be interested in hearing your comments and
Bob V.

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of NASA Science News
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 11:14 AM
To: NASA Science News
Subject: Genesis Reentry

NASA Science News for September 3, 2004

On September 8th, a daylight fireball will streak
across the western United States. It's Genesis,
returning samples of the Sun to Earth.



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Received on Fri 03 Sep 2004 09:16:50 PM PDT

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