[meteorite-list] Octahedrite formation and Mars

From: Thomas Kurtz <thomas.kurtz_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 28 18:19:17 2004
Message-ID: <20041028221907.C55D72EE2F_at_mailgate.fh-hannover.de>

Yes, and in the core of our earth there are Widmanstaetten pattern too.
Unfortunately, we will never dig it out :-)


Thomas, California.

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of tracy
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:52 PM
To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Octahedrite formation and Mars

I was just reading Meteorites and the Origin of Planets, by John A. Wood.
In it, I found a statement that octahedrites are formed by exceptionally
slow cooling over millions of years, such as might be found in the insulated

center of a planetoid. We already know that Mars has a very weak magnetic
field and negligible vulcanism, leading some scientists to believe that its
core has largely cooled. Might this mean that, if we were able to extract a

chunk of Martian core, it would exhibit an octahedral pattern? Anyone care
to speculate on the nickel content of the Martian core?

Mars is one big Wiedmanstatten pattern!
Tracy Latimer

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Received on Thu 28 Oct 2004 06:19:03 PM PDT

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