[meteorite-list] Day From Hell May Have Killed Off Dinosaurs

From: VeIocity_at_aol.com <VeIocity_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 28 14:25:37 2004
Message-ID: <0977C8B0.25CC7011.0083611C_at_aol.com>

Unfortunately for most of these asteroid impact scenarios, there is NO hard evidence that the dinosaurs were eradicated in a single catastrophic event that scorched or enshrouded the earth for a few short months or years. To be sure, those creatures appear to have died out in a geologic "instant"; but that "instant" may have lasted half-a-million years or more. That's plenty of time for a gradual extinction by other than sensational processes.

Received on Thu 28 Oct 2004 02:24:57 PM PDT

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