[meteorite-list] "Tagounite L3"
From: Zelimir Gabelica <Z.Gabelica_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Oct 18 09:42:44 2004 Message-ID: <> Hello Martin, list, Martin, on your site you are offering for sale a meteroite you are calling "Tagounite L3". This reminds me I also purchased in due time the same meteorite (I should better say: "a stone with the same name"). So far, I believed this was a name invented by the nomads as Tagounite most of the time refers to the famous place (market) inMorocco where many of the NWA's are being purchased from nomads. My question: do you (or anybody else) know more (status, real type, where found, tkw...)about that famous "Tagounite L3" ? Does it have now a NWA number and how is it known that it is an "L3" ? I believe it is for sure not in any official nomenclature listing, nor probably on the waiting list for receiving a NWA number in future. It is just good to know that we are at least two of us having been once hooked by that "name"...But there could be more of us, as this meteorite is a beauty...Bernd ? Cheers, Zelimir A 15:26 17/10/04 +0200, vous avez ?crit : >Hola list! > >Finally I finished my new assortment list for sale and trade. >So if you're interested in, please give me a note. > >I know, that for list members should be offered a discount, but if I compare >my price level to that of the dealers and collectors on the famous >dealer_list >http://www.meteorite.com/dealer_list.htm , >I could scream "30%, 40%, 60% off" >and I'm just to lazy to raise my prices on my list to the average niveau, >only to do so. > >My apologies to the offerors there, to undercut them. I'm sending my lists >privately to my collectors and won't put my assortment on my homepage. >Anyway, the prices are not "dirt cheap" and finally I have no other choice: > >Here in Germany it's as difficult to sell meteorites as it never was before. >Bad economical climate (but if I compare the situation to other countries, I >have to say, that we Germans are somewhat lachrymose) and additionally the >media created a kind of a movement, called "avarice is cool". >Consequence: The new collectors (those, who came to meteorites mainly via >ebay within the last 3 years) come to me and tell me a priori in the face, >that my prices are laughable high and try to haggle, although they have >absolutely no idea about meteorite pricing and are neither able nor willing >to compare the prices in the web. They have ebay-NWA prices in mind and >can't understand, that f.e. a Lowicz is somewhat more expensive than a NWA >1882 or a Vaca Muerta. It's annoying to sit each day in front of the machine >to excerpt all prices for the localities from all websites to demonstrate >them, that my prices already are cheap. > >The other fraction, the meteorite veterans, are in some cases the opposite >of delightful to me too. They still see the meteorite fan like me like a >kind of a brother mason and expect, that we should give away the stuff at >our own buying prices, everything else they take as a personal affront. >But each day they're running to market to buy their vegetables and there >they sense no dishonesty, if the seller asks multiple prices of those, which >he paid each morning at the wholesale. There it's normal, there it's no >rip-off. > >As told a typical German phenomenon. > >To the overseas collectors my recommendations as always: >Don't be shy, it's not a big thing to order in Europe. In general it takes >7-10days until you'll have your specimens in your hands. Payment is not >complicate. Paypal, checks, cash etc. I'll take back the specimen, If you >won't be totally satisfied. No rip-off with the shipment costs. Sometimes I >speak English and finally: Compare the prices!!!!! >(In the last list, I did it already for you, but as nobody believed me - >compare this time by your own). > >Now get the goodies, before I mutate to a Campo-Nantan-desert-crap-seller - >that stuff is hefty overpaid here in Germany - but seriously: It wouldn't >make fun to sell such things. > >Cheeers! >Martin >(who goes now to play with the cats, to be in a better mood soon). > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Prof. Zelimir Gabelica Universit? de Haute Alsace ENSCMu, Lab. GSEC, 3, Rue A. Werner, F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94 Fax: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15 Received on Mon 18 Oct 2004 09:48:45 AM PDT |
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