[meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE READ
From: McomeMeteorite Meteorite <meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Nov 23 09:56:04 2004 Message-ID: <BAY2-F67ECAAC59A4FF9CF62CAAC0C70_at_phx.gbl> Sincerely I do not believe to nothing of what you write... and what it is written us in your site then. .... >From: "S. Ray DeRusse" <srd_at_ispwest.com> >To: McomeMeteorite Meteorite <meteorites_at_hotmail.com>, >meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE READ >Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:30:25 -0600 > >Matteo; > >We think your implying that we fabricated any email from Dirk Ross is >preposterous and absurd. We have no reason to fabricate analytical data, >emails or anything from anyone for that matter. I suppose you think we >fabricated the email below from Dr. Oliver Manuel to Bill Cutler in which >he agrees with us and welcomes some measure of controls on rogue >scientists? Is that what you think? We realized the level of absurdity from >you and many others when you endlessly debated whether a meteorite fall is >hot to the touch back in 2002. You guys endlessly debated this issue and >some trained scientists even weighed in on the issue but only served to >cloud it. Since ya'll never settled it let me tell you the heat generated >by a meteorite fall is proportional to the metal content. That is to say >the higher the metal content the hotter to the touch.....duh. That means >that stony meteorites will only be warm to the touch whereas iron-nickel >meteorites will be hot. Good luck and stop being so absurd and >preposterous. > > >From Dr. Oliver Manuel; > >Thanks, Bill, for the message. > >I wish NASA's new policy might correct the problem. >Science rests on one of the oldest spiritual truths, e.g. from the >Upanishads, "Truth is victorious, never untruth." >It appears NASA officials mistakenly believed for decades that good >PR (public relations) is more important than truth. >NASA held the purse strings and misconduct from NASA spread into >peripheral organizations. > >For example, how much NASA money, how many pages of MAPS and GCA, and >how many hours of Lunar Science Conference time has been devoted to >questionable but flashy discoveries like AN ALPHABET OF NEONS (Ne-A, >Ne-B, Ne-C, Ne-D, Ne-E, etc.), SUPER-HEAVY ELEMENTS, INTERSTELLAR >DIAMONDS, STAR DUST, etc. while more mundane explanations (MASS >FRACTIONATION, LOCAL ELEMENT SYNTHESIS, etc.) were ignored and/or >excluded from publication? > >What is the result? > >1. NASA - the world's premier space agency - failed to appreciate >that samples from the Apollo mission clearly revealed severe mass >separation in the Sun. There is little doubt about this conclusion. >See "Composition of the Solar Interior: Information from Isotope >Ratios" > > http://www.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2002/soho-gong2002.pdf > http://www.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2002/soho-gong2002.ps > >2. NASA - the world's premier space agency - failed to appreciate >that the Galileo probe into the atmosphere of Jupiter confirmed that >material there is unlike that in the Sun. See Ken Windler's report >on "strange" xenon isotopes in Jupiter. > > http://www.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2001/windleranalysis.pdf > >In 1983 we noted that the Galileo mission to Jupiter would find >"strange" xenon there, if we were correct in concluding that the Sun >is iron-rich from the Apollo mission to the Moon ["Solar abundance of >the elements", Meteoritics 18, 209-222]. > >NASA's engineering has been great, but its science has been a dismal >failure. Unfortunately, scientific journals share some of the blame. > >With kind regards, >Oliver K. Manuel > > >McomeMeteorite Meteorite wrote: > >>I doubt many Dirk Ross write this.... >> >> >> >>>From: "S. Ray DeRusse" <srd_at_ispwest.com> >>>To: geoking_at_notkin.net >>>CC: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE >>>READ >>>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 06:20:16 -0600 >>> >>>Greetings List; >>> >>> I would like respond to Mr. Notkin. Mr. Notkin you prove that if you >>>wnat to get your facts straight you have to go to the source. Yes we did >>>file a lawsuit sometime back against numerous individuals when we >>>discovered they interfering with some others we were working with on the >>>meteorite project. Its a well known fact that certain individuals have >>>been operating against us. >>> You obviously were lied to by your friend we sued. WE filed a motion >>>to dismiss the lawsuit after two of the defendants agreed to complete >>>their contracts with us. WE did it, no Judge dismissed anything. We filed >>>a motion to dismiss without prejudice that means we can go back at >>>anytime. Do you understand that? We instructed the Assistant Attorney >>>General to draft it up, we signed it and filed it once two of the >>>defendants came forward to spill the beans. We that means us Mr. Notkin. >>> Now as far the samples, and being told nicely about anything. First >>>of all if the samples were not authentic why would UT try to steal the >>>ones that were in left in the lab with them? It was not until we blew the >>>whistle on them that this controversy began to get out of hand. If you >>>think that all scientists are honest and do not lie, cheat, and steal, >>>having same, similar or different motives, Mr. Notkin I have news for >>>you, you too are in living world that does not exist. I would hope that >>>you know the difference between a typographical error and an actual >>>misspelling, but for some people, thinking on their own is a lot of work. >>>Good luck Mr. Notkin and I really mean that. >>> >>>Here's an entirely differenct viewpoint from Dirk Ross >>> >>>Dear Mr. DeRusse, >>> I have been doing research since 1980. But, my last >>>research was last year at Yamaguchi University in >>>Japan. >>> I have read most of your writings on the internet. >>>You certainly are an educated person. I can >>>understand your wish for students and scientists to >>>think "outside" of the box. I agree with you on this >>>point. I always ask and demand my students to think >>>independently so that science can advance what is >>>known. >>> I apologize for my initial judgement about you >>>before knowing more about the whole story. Keep up >>>your search for fact. About truth, I leave that for >>>God. Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo >>>__________________________________ >>>Do you Yahoo!? >>>The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! >>>http://my.yahoo.com >>> >>> >>>S. Ray DeRusse and Bill Cutler >>>www.bccmeteorites.com >>> >>> >>> >>>Notkin wrote: >>> >>>><x-rich><fixed>Jonathan posted: >>>> >>>> >>>>> I'm back on the list. What is BCC meteorites about? I have heard a >>>>>lot about it and read their site but I still don't understand. Odd. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Dear Jonathan and Fellow Listees: >>>> >>>> >>>>Jonathan, yes you are absolutely right. It is very "odd" and nobody else >>>>understands their site either because their site is nonsense. >>>> >>>> >>>>I would like all my fellow List members to be made aware of something >>>>important: These BCC "Meteorites" characters filed an actual lawsuit >>>>against a number of prominent, respected and very well-liked senior >>>>meteoriticists here in the U.S (one of whom is a personal friend of >>>>mine). The suit was -- of course -- thrown out by the judge for being >>>>utterly frivolous. It's just too bad these clowns weren't heavily fined >>>>for wasting court time. >>>> >>>> >>>>BCC "Meteorites" seems to believe that there's some kind of high-level >>>>conspiracy/cover-up going on between NASA and major meteoritical >>>>institutions -- all because BCC "Meteorites" have been told (nicely and >>>>repeatedly) that the junk items they dig out of their bog, or whatever, >>>>in Texas are not actually fossilized alien brains, UFO warp core spare >>>>parts, Lunar meteorites, Dick Tracy wrist watch radios, etc., but just >>>>plain old dull terrestrial rocks. I think we all enjoy a good eccentric, >>>>and the whole thing would have been somewhat amusing in a "Benny Hill" >>>>sort of way if these guys hadn't been really nasty to some really nice >>>>people during their imaginary scientific journey. >>>> >>>> >>>>We have our squabbles on the List from time to time, but we are all >>>>united in our interest in the SCIENCE of meteoritics. The >>>>technobabble/gobbledygook pseudo-science offered up on the BCC >>>>"Meteorites" website -- and written, I might add, in appalling >>>>elementary school English so laden with spelling errors and grammatical >>>>mistakes that you couldn't follow their argument even if it *were* sound >>>>-- should not be allowed promotion here on the Meteorite List. Novice >>>>collectors, still learning about meteorites, might be hoodwinked into >>>>believing some of the fatuous claims that are made on the BCC website. >>>> >>>> >>>>So, I strongly suggest that we -- as a community -- block the email >>>>addresses of these guys DeRusse and Cutler immediately and permanently. >>>>They just want attention, and the best way to eradicate this kind of >>>>fake science rubbish is to ignore the perpetrators entirely. They'll >>>>likely get bored and wander off to some UFO conspiracy >>>>theory/Creationist mailing list of which -- unfortunately -- there are >>>>probably several. A request from a few of you to List Moderator Art >>>>Jones ( listman_at_meteoritecentral.com ) to have them removed from the >>>>List wouldn't hurt either. >>>> >>>> >>>>Oh, and BTW, if you look at the first photo on their website, the guy >>>>with the white gloves looks like "Dr. No." : ) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Not at all respectfully, >>>> >>>> >>>>Geoff Notkin >>>> >>>>Science writer interested in actual science and real >>>>meteorites</fixed></x-rich> >>>> >>>>______________________________________________ >>>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>>>http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>> >>>______________________________________________ >>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>>http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> >> >>_________________________________________________________________ >>Ricerche online pi? semplici e veloci con MSN Toolbar! >>http://toolbar.msn.it/ >> >> _________________________________________________________________ Ricerche online pi? semplici e veloci con MSN Toolbar! http://toolbar.msn.it/ Received on Tue 23 Nov 2004 09:55:46 AM PST |
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