[meteorite-list] Trust - Was...Honest Answer...
From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 21 22:11:33 2004 Message-ID: <20041122031130.36481.qmail_at_web12307.mail.yahoo.com> I see that everybody has yet again found a way to make asses of themselves in their efforts to push personal agendas. As far as who owns the numbers, I dont know about europe but in The United States and canada legally nobody owns them so stop this stupididy about threatening lawsuits. Remember the 286, 386, 486 computer chips? Intel patented those numbers and couldent stop anybody else in court from using the numbers. So the Pentium came into being. If Intel cant keep a number that they legally patented spending more in legal fees than has been spent on meteorites in the past few decades dont go saying you can sue somebody for using your numbers. In Canada and the USA you cant own a number (Or a colour) and it cannot be patented. The arguement might be right and ethical but it wont hold up in court. Not to say that dealers complaining about other dealers using their numbers are wrong. If NWAxxx is officially a 362 gram stone I dont see how it would be right to sell another stone as that number. Get another number and call it paired with NWAxxx. Look in the meteoritical bulletin and there is a very defined weight that applies to a certain NWA number. The NWA number only applies to that one stone and everybody knows that they are almost all paired with something else. Look at all the numbers that the CR2, CV3 and R4 in morocco has (Have anybody ever wondered why Libyas Dar al Gani desert attracts so many CO3s?). While the arguement is valid it seems to me that so many numbers for such obviously paired meteorites is sort of convuluted. I dont have an answer that would help matters so I wont talk about this more here. However, on a side note remember Gold Basin? There are I believe six meteorites found in the same strewnfield and there is an arguement that the 6 are all from the same fall and that it is brecciated. This is not officially accepted but it just gives an example of the difficulty in getting information on a meteorite. Also "What is a dealer". A dealer is somebody who sells something. Throw 50 meteorites on ebay and you are a dealer. Stick up a stall with 20 TV's for sale and you are a TV dealer. Dont believe me? Ask the tax department if somebody who sells 50 meteorites a month should pay taxes on the sales? Sell 50 meteorites a month on ebay and you would have a very hard time explaining to the tax people that you are not running a business and shouldent pay taxes on it. As far as the conflicting classifications goes? One only has to look at NWA869 and NWA1109 to see the extent of the whole mess. NWA869 has 3 or 4 different classifications and they are all proper classifications. NWA1109 is a polymict eucrite but there are lots of howardites paired with the eucrite and done by respectible labs using proper procedures. Find a 65 gram inclusion of mixed diamonds, olivine and diogenite material in NWA1109 and an unscrupulous dealer could send 20 grams to a respectable lab and get a "RARE" olivine diogenite ureilite classification that would get officially accepted and printed in the met bulletin and offer it at hundreds of dollars a gram instead of the $15 or so that NWA1109 sells for. The real problem is that is it so difficult (Or impossible) to get something classified. Dealers would get things classified if they could do so. But remember that dealers are looking for a profit and 2 years out waiting to sell something just plain wont work and is not going to happen. So, like any other type of business, meteorite dealers take short cuts and make the best of the situation available to them. I have meteorites that I have been waiting 3 years on for classifications and I usually never bother anymore. The rare classifications all come out at the same time anyway and most meteorite buyers are knowledgable enough to know what they are buying. Maybe the meteoritical society can come up with a lower standard so that classifications can get done easier or maybe some new invention will help out to streamline the process. Just an idea. I dont know what will work. But a productive approach and intelligent discussion to the problem (Rather than threatening lawsuits) might actually get some lab guys involved that might add some insight and ideas that might help the classification backlog situation - which is the real problem here. Just my two cents worth DEAN --- Impactika_at_aol.com wrote: > In a message dated 11/21/2004 6:53:39 PM Mountain > Standard Time, > drtanuki_at_yahoo.com writes: > Dear list and Adam, > What is a dealer and what is a pseudo-dealer? Is > it possible that the key is marketing skills? Trust > is > the real answer to this ugly problem and this market > is rapidly losing "trust" due to the marketing > skills > of some. Please keep science and scientist out of > marketing. Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > --- > > Yes, Trust is the key. > And that is why the IMCA was created...... > but of course I am partial. ;-) > > > Anne M. Black > www.IMPACTIKA.com > IMPACTIKA_at_aol.com > IMCA #2356, www.IMCA.cc > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! http://my.yahoo.com Received on Sun 21 Nov 2004 10:11:30 PM PST |
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