[meteorite-list] Trust - Was...Honest Answer...

From: Impactika_at_aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 21 21:10:27 2004
Message-ID: <158.445b31fe.2ed2a490_at_aol.com>

In a message dated 11/21/2004 6:53:39 PM Mountain Standard Time,
drtanuki_at_yahoo.com writes:
Dear list and Adam,
   What is a dealer and what is a pseudo-dealer? Is
it possible that the key is marketing skills? Trust is
the real answer to this ugly problem and this market
is rapidly losing "trust" due to the marketing skills
of some. Please keep science and scientist out of
marketing. Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Yes, Trust is the key.
And that is why the IMCA was created......
but of course I am partial.   ;-)
Anne M. Black
IMCA #2356, www.IMCA.cc
Received on Sun 21 Nov 2004 09:10:24 PM PST

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