[meteorite-list] Chemical and Petrological Characterization of meteorites and other rocks
From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 21 19:03:59 2004 Message-ID: <20041122000321.28321.qmail_at_web53210.mail.yahoo.com> Dear List, As someone who has done chemical and petrological research, there are several problems involved. My research has only dealt with cherts and glasses. Both cherts and glasses are generally considered to be homogeneous in geology. In fact, they are and they are not. In chemically characterizing a meteorite (which are typically considered hetrogeneous), chert, glass and other rocks there are inherent problems presented to the researcher. The results of his/her research may be influenced by the sample size, sampling method and the method of analyis. I have done both bulk chemical analysis (ICP) and spot sampling (ASEM and KEVEX). Both can and often do produce slightly different results. Sometimes the results can be very different due to the researcher, techniques, standards and sample population. Also once the data is obtained, the data has to be interpreted. Often a data set contains equipment error and is skewed or contains noise from a high peak response. Many times the scientist must be an artist rather than a strict scientist. Most in science understand the inherent problems and in the real world have to accept them. Science is a search for fact, not truth. So the next time you read a description keep in mind that all analysis is done by humans and machines with several types of error. Some researchers state only the minimum of their intrepretations and others use terms such as remarkable, unique, common, etc. These qualatative subjective terms are subject to each individual researcher and another researcher may not choose to use such terminology or in fact it may or not be a personal bias that the specific researcher has introduced. That is all I have to say. Any comments? Cheers, Dirk Ross..Tokyo __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! http://my.yahoo.com Received on Sun 21 Nov 2004 07:03:21 PM PST |
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