[meteorite-list] When a person climbed on the mirrors
From: McomeMeteorite Meteorite <meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Nov 20 10:40:04 2004 Message-ID: <BAY2-F119C708E68E4F055D1B6FAC0C40_at_phx.gbl> Mr.BCC I not have write to Steve Schoner, others have write to him....Mr.Badalotti have take off the fake lunar material from the site after have seen how many emails against of you its available in the web, in first in the Met.List where you are well know...unfortunately. I remember you for a analysis you have to give a free example to the laboratory, you have ask money to me for send a little piece for analyzed this after....and not sure I give to you $25,000-50,000 for a gram of fake material seen all Institutes say your material is not lunar, first Dr.Korotev where have put a photo of your fake rock in the site of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences http://epsc.wustl.edu/admin/resources/meteorites/meteorwrongs/meteorwrongs.htm photo n.14.....why you not send a piece to Dr.Koratev for the analysis? Probably you have the terror he find your material is not lunar material, but its easy take a piece from a real lunar meteorite and send this and pass for a piece of the boggy creek....and after exit its a real lunar meteorite.... Last word, its good you take off the web page I have put in this list why I have ask to my lawyer and I can denounce you for libel, or likely the FBIi will be happy to discover your fraud bye bye >From: "S. Ray DeRusse" <srd_at_ispwest.com> >To: meteorites_at_hotmail.com, meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com >Subject: Take look at what the BCC Lunar. >Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 09:05:17 -0600 > >Greetings List; > >Matteo wrote an eamil to Steve Shoner asking him what is this? And Steve >Shoner asnswered in part. > >What is this ???? > >As far as I remember I made no agreement with Ray >DeRusse other than to trade a sample of Takysie Lake >for some of his so called "stellar grains." I have >made no conclusion on these samples, nor at this time >do I intend to do any work with these as to ascertain >what they are. > >This is not exactly correct. (I will find his emails ).I did make two >trades with Steve, however I never asked him to test or determine what the >stellar grains were in the slide, never. That has been determined and I >sent them to him as a novelty and a trade. He sent me two samples of >Takysie Lake and we determined that indeed one sample was consistent with >the information in the MAPS article and the other was chemcially an augite >rich lunar microbreccia. He sent me a long long email basically in distress >saying he and Ninninger were convinced it was lunar but that the >"scientists" in Arizona would not look at it again. Somewhere I have copies >of these emails. But let it be known that we never asked him to identify >anything for us. Why would ask him to do something for us that we can do >ourselves? That makes no sense. Now having said this about this trade with >Shoner, if any of you think that Mr. Shoner did not grab that slide and run >to the lab to look through a microscope and examine the stellar grains, you >are out in lala land. If you think scientists in Arizona have not looked at >our material, you are out in lala land. No reasonable person and certainly >no prosecutor is going to believe that our sample to Steve Shoner has been >sitting idle somewhere. > >As far as Badolotti recieving a lunar sample for free he's not the only one >that has a sample. Matteo keeps harassing Badalotti and us and everybody. >If Matteo wants a sample he can ask Francesco Badolotti and if Badalotti >wanst to give him some that is OK with us. We sent a sample to Badalotti >because of his devotion to the lunar science and the Moon, he deserves it. > >Now to Dr. Tanuki or whatever you call yourself. You write; > >What is this person`s point? If he has scientific data? on his "lunar"and >"other" material, why does`t he present it and be quiet instead of >attacking scientists and their real research? To attack Dr. >Rubin, the fine scientists in Texas, Mike Farmer, Matteo and Steve Schoner >is counter-productive and completely uncalled for. > >I don't know where you have been, but we have never launched an attack >against anyone first. Some of the idiots on the list and there are many, >have launched unwarranted attacks on us first. We responded with an equal >measure of force. You're very right it is counter productive to attack >scientists, if it is warranted. >If I have made claims against any scientist it is sustainable by a direct >or indirect body of evidence and it is not a big secret that if you engaged >in scientific misconduct fraud and abuse against us we're coming after you >until we receive satisfaction. Because we are not going to allow abuses >against us under some sort of cloak of authority, by a "scientist". If I >were them, I would come clean long long ago because now the Federal >Government has a bigger clean up job to do and believe me they working on >it and we are woking with them. > >Finally to Matteo, an honorable mention, you need to get real about asking >NASA, JPL, JSC or Alan Rubin, any scientist, or whoever to shut us down. >Aside from server problems we are having, we're not going anywhere. The >reason for this is that its too late for them. Based on the stack of >documents I just sent out by a federal request. We are under the cloak of >authority and protection by certain governmental agencies. The people you >keep asking to help you would be better off finding a small dark, quiet >corner, to pray. > >Sincerely, > >S. Ray DeRusse, > >www.bccmeteorites.com > > _________________________________________________________________ Personalizza MSN Messenger con sfondi e fotografie! http://www.ilovemessenger.msn.it/ Received on Sat 20 Nov 2004 10:39:04 AM PST |
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