[meteorite-list] ebay auction meteorites

From: Michel Franco <michel_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 4 09:38:40 2004
Message-ID: <018301c4c27b$f8e527f0$0201a8c0_at_cailloubi12zzr>

I join Martin to add that some hunters are still working properly. They
recover meteorites and have them analysed. If I do not disclose the
locations it is because some competitors may just fly where I have started
to work. It costs a lot to find a good place. I am a private hunter, not
backed up by anyone. I play with my own money. I have a registred company, I
do reward people working for me, pay import taxes on the stuff I bring back
and also taxes on my company revenues. In France they are pretty high, but I
do not complain about taxes. It is a social law.

Main mass is given by the scale and the Met Soc.
The main mass is the TKW, if one meteorite is found . The biggest if many ?
I do not know: But when I find several meteorites from the same strewn field
I use to give them a letter after my proprietary #, when I send it to the
lab, it is easier. Some breccias are very surpizing.

If there are additionnal masses: then it is the work of the finder to
properly monitor the documentation and to submit the Additionnal mass to
the Met Soc. This will avoid pairing and confusions. But it is a lot more
work for the finder and for the labs. But at last the work is done properly.
and this will avoid all the NWa's pairings.

Please ask all NWA dealers to document properly their finds and to submit
the Nom Com to publish additionnal masses to existing numbers , not to give
provisionnal numbers to stone never existing. I believe that the NWA
provisionnal numbering is the source of the mess.

I will soon stop discussing with smugglers.

Best regards.

Michel FRANCO , meteorite hunter.
Met Soc member, IMCA, etc...
several hundreds of meteorites discovered so far.

----- Original Message -----
From: <j.divelbiss_at_att.net>
To: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com>;
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ebay auction meteorites

> main mass my ass...
> to me the main mass of a particular meteorite fall/find is the biggest
> piece or meteorite that landed on earth that fateful day (whether it is
> still buried or not)...and until we can know for sure it has been found or
> not, a given fall's/find's main mass remains unknown...true main masses in
> collections are few and far between IMHO.
> main mass my ass(MMMA)...an over used word in this business.
> John
> -------------- Original message from "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!"
> <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com>: --------------
>> I will say only one word,DHOFAR.On the main masses,you cannot go
>> wrong.Nothing paired,no losses,only gain.You probably have some pairings
>> on some of the lunars and mars specimens.But with the main masses,you
>> will
>> always win.
>> steve arnold, chicago
>> =====
>> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
>> I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
>> Illinois Meteorites
>> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
>> http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/illinoismeteorites/
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Received on Thu 04 Nov 2004 09:38:37 AM PST

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