[meteorite-list] Ad ebay meteorites

From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Nov 4 06:20:02 2004
Message-ID: <20041104111958.53411.qmail_at_web25210.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello Cj,

I agree with your analysis of these different points.

I think the market is old enough to start to fix new
rules on the prices of meteorites.

I don't know the world of coins, tokens, cards but I
know the world of stamps.

Prices are based on many parameters (tkw or available
weight on market for meteorites), quality (fusion
crust visible, rusted or not), presentation (slice,
individual, fragment, dust), history (fall / find /
historical fall), classification...

Here's an example of such file :
http://www.meteor-center.com/file.htm (just did it
with unreal values just to show the idea)

I think the IMCA could be the perfect organisation for
controling this process (I didn't contacted them) and
prices could be discussed between all meteorite
dealers on a special website. The official price would
be the average value of all prices entered for each
parameter described above.

Pierre-Marie PELE


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Received on Thu 04 Nov 2004 06:19:58 AM PST

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