[meteorite-list] Park Forest Article in Chicago Tribune
From: nakhladog_at_comcast.net <nakhladog_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:55 2004 Message-ID: <032720040054.23530.4064D0B5000BB3A300005BEA2200745672FF98909B9E9397949E_at_comcast.net> Is it the planetary alignment? Eveybody's lookin' for a fight today. -- Rob Wesel ------------------ We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams. Willy Wonka, 1971 > And what's the point of wasting space with that old hat? > > > -------------------- > > `Park Forest Meteorite Fall': One year, many deals later > > -------------------- > > > > By Sean D. Hamill > > Special to the Tribune > > > > March 26, 2004 > > > > "Kaahhh-boooOOOMMMM!" > > > > An instant before a light lit up the sky over Chicago's southern suburbs > > just before midnight on March 26, 2003, a sonic boom walloped the air. > > > > Then came dozens of flourishes in quick succession, as if it were the finale > > of the 4th of July fireworks. > > > > "Ka-POW! Ka-POW! Ka-POW! Ka-POW!" > > > > At the time, no one could have known that these sights and sounds, centered > > over the middle-class town of Park Forest, foretold a whirlwind of greed for > > some, salvation for others and an education for all. > > > > "It was definitely unique in that it was the most populous area ever struck > > by a fall of this size," said Menakshi Wadhwa, the Field Museum's meteorite > > curator. "For a meteorite curator, what better thing could you ask for?" > > > > Meteorites hit the Earth all the time. And through history some have hit > > cars, homes and even cows. But, in large part because 70 percent of the > > globe is covered in water, never before have so many meteorites hit all at > > once in such a densely populated area. > > > > Still, it might have been easy to miss the story. Coming a week after the > > beginning of the present Persian Gulf war, it played on the inside pages of > > most newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, and generated small reports > > on local television and radio. Soon, the story faded from view. > > > > In the simplest terms, meteorites are fragments of a meteor that has broken > > up as it entered Earth's atmosphere. Meteors are generally considered > > smaller than asteroids, and both are stony, metal-laden objects with > > important stories to tell. > > > > "The processes that formed this meteor are the processes present at the very > > beginning of the solar system," said the Indian-born Wadhwa, one of the > > world's foremost meteorite authorities. "If you can understand what went > > into it, you can understand the building blocks of what went into the > > creation of our own planet." > > > > Peter Brown, assistant professor of astronomy at Western Ontario University > > in Canada, refers to the Park Forest object as a "meteoroid" because he now > > believes, based on his studies over the last year, that when it entered the > > atmosphere it weighed up to 10 tons and was about 5 feet in diameter. > > > > While Wadhwa has focused on trying to figure out what the meteor is made up > > of and how it was made, Brown has been trying to figure out exactly where it > > came from. The Park Forest meteor "is pretty important," Brown said. "It's > > only the eighth time ever where we've made an accurate orbit of a > > meteoroid." > > > > Brown and his colleagues are convinced it came from the asteroid belt > > between Mars and Jupiter, but, at some point in its 4.6 billion-year life, > > it was struck by something that threw it into a much longer elliptical > > orbit. > > > > "Once that happened, it's just a matter of time before it hits the Earth, or > > heads into the sun, or gets knocked out of the solar system," he said. > > > > Despite astronomical odds, this meteor headed here. > > > > Fortunately for residents of the southwest suburbs, this meteor was an "L5," > > or low iron, chondrite meteor, said Wadhwa, who recently completed a > > scientific paper on the meteor with University of Chicago assistant > > professor Steve Simon. > > > > These are among the most common meteors, and unlike some heavy iron meteors, > > they largely disintegrate before they hit the Earth. > > > > 44,000 m.p.h. > > > > When it hit the Earth's atmosphere Brown estimates it was traveling up to > > 44,000 m.p.h. Thousands of pieces were scattered over a six-mile-wide field > > that stretched from Olympia Fields to Crete, but centered over Park Forest. > > > > "Three things make meteorite collectors excited," said Michael Blood, a > > meteorite dealer from San Diego. "If it was a witnessed fall, if it hit > > something, and if it's a rare petrographical type." > > > > "This wasn't [petrographically] rare, but it was witnessed and hit a number > > of things," said Blood, 58, who has been dealing in stones from space for 15 > > years. "This was the biggest event in modern times among the meteorite > > collecting community." > > > > Within a few hours of the fall, about 30 major meteorite collectors and > > dealers from around the globe were headed to Chicago. > > > > "People thought they were going to be millionaires," said Adam Hupe, a > > meteorite collector from Renton, Wash., who made it to Park Forest the day > > after the fall but left just a few days later because the price was too > > high. "I told people to call us when all the hype died down." > > > > Within days after the "Park Forest Meteorite Fall" as it has become known, > > the price quickly rose from $1 a gram (meteorites are always sold by the > > metric weight of grams) to $20. > > > > It wasn't just collectors and dealers driving the price up, either. > > Scientists like Wadhwa joined the fray. > > > > She eventually bought five meteorites, but one that she and many other > > museums would love to have is one Blood is trying to sell on consignment for > > brothers Adam and Greg Hupe. > > > > Garzas gain reknown > > > > Known as "the Garza Stone," it is the most famous of all the fragments that > > crashed to Earth in Park Forest. > > > > It was named after the family whose home the 5-pound rock smashed into, > > creating a hole in the roof before it bounced around the second floor and > > came to rest a few feet from the head of the homeowners' 14 year-old son. > > > > (It's the habit of meteorite collectors to give unofficial names to some > > stones that have a history behind them, so that, in addition to the Garza > > Stone, other large meteorites from Park Forest have been tagged "the curb > > smasher" and "the fence buster" among others.) > > > > The Garza Stone gained fame not only because it crashed through a roof, but > > because it had a great public-relations machine behind it in homeowner Noe > > Garza, who spent nearly all of the day after the meteorite fall talking to > > everyone and anyone who showed up to interview him. > > > > "I enjoyed it," said Garza, a steelworker who works in Chicago Heights. "I > > wasn't camera shy at all. I like to talk." > > > > He also likes to deal. > > > > For more than a month after the fall, Garza played four of the world's most > > prominent meteorite dealers against each other before accepting an offer for > > the stone. > > > > Though Garza won't say exactly what he was paid, other meteorite dealers > > believe he received about $20 per gram for the stone from the Hupes, which > > works out to $46,000 -- a figure Garza didn't dispute. > > > > But the buying didn't stop there. The Hupes and another dealer, Jim Lang, > > bought just about everything the meteorite touched, including the roof and > > ceiling with the hole in it, the window sill it dented, the shards of glass > > from the mirror it broke, even the window blinds it ripped through. > > > > "My $10 blinds I bought at Menards, they gave me $200 for them," Garza > > recalled. "I'm like . . . I'll take it!" > > > > The idea, said Adam Hupe, was that with the stone and the pieces of the home > > it hit put together, the Hupes and Lang could re-create the home in an > > interactive exhibit that they could tour around the country to make money. > > > > But earlier this year, after Lang and Hupes couldn't agree on the > > parameters, the deal fell apart and the Hupes -- who haven't fulfilled > > Wadhwa's prediction of slicing the meteorite up -- put it up for sale > > through Blood at $25 a gram, or $58,000. It has yet to sell. > > > > Though Adam Hupe said he could get up to $125 a gram by slicing up the rock, > > he said he'll never do that -- "That's like cutting into history." > > > > Though Hupe doesn't intend to cut up his rock, others have. Slices of a gram > > or less -- cut in thin slices to make it easier for regular collectors to > > buy -- of Park Forest meteorites continue to show up for sale on the > > Internet and eBay, routinely selling for about $40 to $50 a gram. > > > > The Illinois Department of Human Services still owns two large rocks: a > > 2-pounder found the morning after the fall, and a 5-pounder found on a > > department roof in August during a regular inspection. > > > > And the largest chunk yet -- an 11-pounder -- was found two months after the > > fall in a back yard on the edge of the Olympia Fields Golf Course. > > > > Steve Arnold, a meteorite broker from Kingston, Ark., is trying to sell the > > 11-pounder for the man who found it, at a price of $50,000. > > > > In the hunt > > > > The discovery, though, has only enticed more meteorite hunters to return to > > look for the "main mass," a stone weighing perhaps hundreds of pounds, which > > some believe still lies out there somewhere in one of the many forest > > preserves in the south suburbs. > > > > "Everyone would love to find it," said Arnold, who intends to return this > > summer to look for smaller stones. "But, nothing else has shown up lately, > > and a year later, odds are that it won't unless it's accidental." > > > > After the fall last year, it took more than a month for the major ruckus to > > die down in town. But even now, meteorite enthusiasts, and simple curiosity > > seekers, continue to stop by asking for directions to particular locations, > > said Police Chief Francis DioGuardi. > > > > "It was crazy," said the 33-year veteran of the department. "When we were > > holding most of the meteorites [while investigating what they were], it was > > like we were the keepers of the royal jewels." > > > > The first few hours of that event will forever stay with DioGuardi, who was > > home sleeping when he got a call just after midnight. > > > > "They called to tell me there was this large flash in the sky and some > > citizens say something hit their house and we think it might be a meteorite. > > Well, OK," he said with a laugh. > > > > "But then there's this realization that this was a once-in-a-lifetime > > experience," he said. "And it definitely was." > > > > > > Copyright (c) 2004, Chicago Tribune > > > > -------------------- > > Improved archives! > > > > Searching Chicagotribune.com archives back to 1985 is cheaper and easier > > than ever. New prices for multiple articles can bring your cost down to as > > low as 30 cents an article: http://www.chicagotribune.com/archives > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > > Meteorite-list mailing list > > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-listReceived on Fri 26 Mar 2004 07:54:14 PM PST |
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