[meteorite-list] OT Transit of Venus
From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jun 8 09:09:17 2004 Message-ID: <DIIE.00000027000022BE_at_paulinet.de> Tracy: > people ... in Europe shold have an excellent view Jos?: > Here in Portugal its quite clear today. For us, the transit has already > started. I hope that your local weather improves! Good observing to all! Pekka: > in the middle of Finland we have at the moment > excellent circumstances, no clouds at all. Jeannie: > Cloudy in Alaska, as usual when there is something up > there I want to see! I even got a new solar filter...sigh. Martin: > here in Munich are perfect conditions! In my 8"-SC > just great, never saw such a large Venus. Marco: > The Sun with Venus are projected on my ceiling at this moment, > through my old 4.5" Newton. And it is a *very* attractive sight, > much more attractive than the Mercury transit last year. Venus > is actually quite big! Eric: > The clouds made a great filter though early on ... Stuart: > From here in Edinburgh we saw most of it. ************************** Hello List, We had perfect excellent weather conditions too here in Southern Germany. So we were able to watch both the ingress, the complete transit and the egress at around 13:20 Central European Daylight Saving Time. Me too, like Marco and Martin, I was very impressed by the overwhelmingly large size of the Venusian disk against the Sun and it was quite a thrill for my students when I reminded them that that was also about the size of our Earth. "Wow, so small ?!" some of them shouted in disbelief. After returning home from school, I uploaded some digital pics I quickly shot at around 13 hrs after hastily setting up my own scope, a Celestron-8, without fine-adjusting it. If interested, go to (you will have to copy and paste): http://de.photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/meteorit/lst?&.dir=/VENUS+TRANSIT+2004&.src=gr&.view=t&.url=http%3a//us.f1.yahoofs.com/groups/g_4089436/VENUS%2bTRANSIT%2b2004/Venus%2bTransit%2b%25231.jpg%3fbc5C8wvBePRybutD&.cx=150&.cy=141&.type=u Best regards, Bernd Received on Tue 08 Jun 2004 09:09:16 AM PDT |
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