[meteorite-list] Looking for Map of Meteorite Finds in Eastern US

From: Mikestockj_at_aol.com <Mikestockj_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 3 10:12:55 2004
Message-ID: <33.48c82d59.2df08b02_at_aol.com>

Hi Paul & List
There was a map that was produced a few years ago that is probably exactly
what you are looking for. It is called the "Guide to North American Meteorites"
by Bill Peck. I have a copy and it is very well done. You can order it from
the address below. He shows a sample of the Western US on the page.

ESRI Map Book, Volume 17--Cartography: Philmont

Looks like it is available as a software package as well. Hope it is what you
are looking for.

One caution, I know he created the map using the coordinates as listed in the
4th ed Catalogue of Meteorites as well a subsequent bulletins. Unfortunately
most of the coordinates (especially the meteorites found along the East coast)
will only show you where the meteorite is not located. My understanding is
that in an earlier edition of the Catalogue of Meteorites Hey had an assistant
find the coordinates of the post office for the towns where the meteorite was

Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Bill Jensen IMCA 2359
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
Web Site: Jensen Meteorites
New Book: Meteorites from A to Z
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