[meteorite-list] Oman meteorite hunting permits

From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jul 29 17:27:02 2004
Message-ID: <20040729212700.65188.qmail_at_web12304.mail.yahoo.com>

I dont know about Oman but in the past dealers have
been making efforts in Morocco saying that it was
illegal to export meteorites and fossils from morocco
without permits.
And while it is required to go to the moroccan export
office for inspection this is nothing more than
Moroccan law. This is required if you export anything
from morocco commercially. Moroccan law requires that
all commercial goods leaving the country be examined
by customs.
However, I have checked with moroccan customs in
morocco and with the embassy here in Canada and I also
know that the canadian government has checked about
morocco about these items also.
They all say that meteorites, trilobites, fossil
marble, ammonites and crynoids are all legal to export
from morocco without a permit or anything other than a
customs inspection. (You get a coloured paper when you
do this). This is procedural and like anything in
morocco when dealing with government takes 5 or 6
hours. This generally kills a day so I like getting my
moroccan partners do do all of this grunt work - they
dont need me anyway. Anybody who has went through the
proper channels doing trade between canada and the
united states can testify to the fact that 5 or 6
hours is not a long time. Yesterday at the montreal
crossing there was a 10 hours backup of trucks
crossing the Canada/USA border for example.
All that is required to export meteorites from morocco
is your standard export inspection certificate that
any commerial good from morocco requires.
On this list in the past dealers blowing off and
trying to cause crap and problems with other dealers
and playing the game of "My meteorites are better than
your meteorites" have been claiming that they have
permits, other dealers dont, they have better export
permits, ect. They are full of BS (And Of course I
never got involved in this in the past myself as I am
to fine and upstanding to stoop to petty bickering
like that - thats my story and I am sticking to it so
dont bother looking through past messages to prove me
However, rather than trying to stir up more crap
dealers or anybody else concerned should call the
moroccan embassy and find out first hand for
themselves. They will find that they will be told that
meteorites and trilobites are not restricted from
leaving morocco and have not been anytime in the past
five years.
Anybody who says otherwise is full of BS and dont know
what they are talking about.
This crapola has been tossed around for years now and
nobody has bothered to make a simple phone call (Or
even an email) to the moroccan embassy which you can
easily find and ask them.
I dont know about Oman but I suspect that the "Permit"
is probably a travel or exploration permit and has
nothing to do with meteorites. Just like a customs
inspection permit is required to export anything from
morocco - the permit has nothing to do with
I am just guess on the Oman stuff and could be wrong
about Oman. But there is always people trying to stir
up crap with collectors. Even on this list. Remember a
few week sago when some nutcase on this list took one
of Mark Bostics rough in as found condition untouched
by man ebay auctions of Libyan desert glass, lied to a
professional archaelogists that it was an egyptian
artifact and based on the misrepresented archaelogists
information declared to all that libyan desert glass
was illegal to export?
List members should be numb to this by now.

--- Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_comcast.net> wrote:

> Dear List,
> The recent post regarding a lunar meteorite from
> Oman has me somewhat
> concerned.
> A quote from Ron Baalke's Meteorite from Oman post:
> ****
> Scientists who've acquired the special permits
> needed to search for
> meteorites in Oman and North Africa during the past
> half-dozen years have
> been amply rewarded, Jull said.
> ****
> What special permit is needed to search for
> meteorites in Oman? I know an
> ambassador can approve removal, is this enough and
> do you even need
> permission to search Oman? From what I have heard,
> customs will let you
> declare them at the airport and do not seem to care.
> They seem to be more
> concerned with the weight of your luggage and
> artifacts than unproven
> meteorites. The reason I ask is that we are
> considering a trip to the area
> but if these meteorites are not legal without a
> permit we need to know how
> to go about getting such paperwork if it really
> exists.
> All the Best,
> Adam Hupe
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