[meteorite-list] Please Read This - Virus Alert (No this is not it)
From: Peanut .. <cj_peanut_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jul 1 07:16:39 2004 Message-ID: <BAY5-F12T1DdQcp0TkY00063cf6_at_hotmail.com> I know this is not Meteorite related but, Just Read It............ The other day, I don't know how many of you saw a message come through with a subject line that said [meteorite-list] Re: Incoming Message!. Well, I did and I was stupid enough to open it and all the attachments. This promptly infected my girlfriends computer with four different W32/BAGEL viruses which affected her hallowed Maj Jong Game. So I just stayed up until 4:13am wiping out viruses. Be Aware of this - If you get infected there is a free virus killer program called Stinger that works great. The Hallowed Maj Jong works once again! Thanks for your time, Cj Received on Thu 01 Jul 2004 07:16:22 AM PDT |
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