Fw: [meteorite-list] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crater Found In Finland
From: EDWIN GATIA <edgatia71_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:08 2004 Message-ID: <BAY3-DAV674nNAR1JBj0000f3b4_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C3E21E.1D1FDEB0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello Joel, Here's another item which you may find interesting: "Meteorite Crater in = Finland". BTW- Are you aware of any meteorite falls in the Philippines? Mark Bosti= ck alerted me of one which was purported to have fallen in the Bondoc Pen= insula (in the island of Luzon) with a TKW of some +800 kg. Further, Dr= H. Nininger was mentioned to have participated in the recovery of the s= pecimens. EDWIN V. GATIA Montevista Observatory (Philippines) ----- Original Message ----- From: Ron Baalke Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:15 PM To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com Subject: [meteorite-list] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crater Found In Finland http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_543619,00050003.htm 1.5 billion-year-old meteorite crater found in Finland Agence France-Presse Helsinki, Finland January 22, 2004 A crater from a meteorite that collided with earth some 1.5 billion years= =20 ago has been discovered in Finland by two amateur geologists, Finnish =20 scientists said on Thursday. "The discovery is nine kilometres in diameter, but the original crater =20 must have been much larger, because only the floor is left, since the =20 rest of the crater bowl has eroded away," said Lauri Pesonen, a professor= =20 of geophysics at Helsinki University who verified the find. According to calculations, the crater must have been between 20 and 25 =20 kilometres wide following the impact, he added. Two local amateur scientists, Satu Hietala and Jarmo Moilanen, came acros= s =20 the crater last fall when they found shatter cones in stones in the area. Shatter cones, which are typical feature found in stones in meteorite =20 craters, are formed in the rock when the energy from the impact passes =20 through it. Since the surrounding rock formation is about 1.8 billion years old, =20 Pesonen said the meteorite was likely to have collided with the earth =20 later than that, probably around 1.5 billion years ago. The crater, partly covered by a lake, is located some 175 kilometres =20 north of Helsinki. So far, 11 meteorite impacts have been found in Finland, and some 180 =20 worldwide, Pesonen said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.helsinki-hs.net/news.asp?id=3D20040122IE6 Large crater caused by meteorite found in Finland =20 Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) January 22, 2004 A large crater caused by a meteorite has been found north of the communit= y =20 of M=E4ntt=E4. The discovery of the crater - about ten kilometres in =20 diameter - was reported on Wednesday in the latest issue of the Finnish =20 astronomy journal T=E4hdet ja avaruus ("Stars and Space"), which is =20 published by the astronomical society Ursa. The magazine has a reputation= =20 for meticulous accuracy. =20 The crater is located just north of M=E4ntt=E4=E4 in the Keurusselk=E4 =20 area, and it could be as much as a billion years old. It is the first =20 landmark of its kind in Finland to be found by amateurs. =20 The collision fragments found in the area have been confirmed as remnants= =20 of a meteorite. Experts confirming the discovery have included a geologis= t =20 and geophysicist from the University of Helsinki. =20 Teemu =D6hman of the University of Oulu says that the find is the elevent= h =20 crater caused by a meteorite to be discovered in Finland, and it could be= =20 the largest. =20 The crater was originally much larger than it is now, with fairly high ed= ges. =20 These have been worn down by intervening ice ages. Now only the bottom of= =20 the crater is left, in addition to cone-shaped pieces of rock from the im= pact. =20 The cone-shaped rocks can be found in the Keurusselk=E4 area, with the na= rrow =20 end pointing toward the centre of the impact. =20 On a global scale the newly-discovered Keurusselk=E4 crater is not among = the =20 largest. For instance, a meteorite which hit the Yucatan peninsula, and = which =20 is believed to have caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 = million =20 years ago, left behind a crater with a diameter of about 180 kilometres. =20 ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C3E21E.1D1FDEB0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Hello Joel,</D= IV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Here's another item which you may find interes= ting: "<STRONG><EM><FONT color=3D#6666ff>Meteorite Crater in Finland</FON= T></EM></STRONG>".</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>BTW- Are you aware of any= meteorite falls in the <STRONG>Philippines</STRONG>? Mark Bostick = alerted me of one which was purported to have fallen in the <STRONG><EM>B= ondoc Peninsula</EM></STRONG> (in the island of Luzon) with a TKW o= f some <STRONG><U>+</U>800 kg</STRONG>. Further, <STRONG>Dr. H. Nin= inger</STRONG> was mentioned to have participated in the recovery of the = specimens.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><STRONG>EDWIN V. GATIA</STRONG></= DIV> <DIV>Montevista Observatory</DIV> <DIV>(Philippines)</DIV> <DIV>&nbs= p;</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARG= IN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> <DIV st= yle=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial">----- Original Message -----</DIV> <DIV style=3D= "BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt Arial; COLOR: black"><B>From:</B> Ron Ba= alke</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, January= 22, 2004 12:15 PM</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>To:</B> meteo= rite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com</DIV> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt Arial"><B>S= ubject:</B> [meteorite-list] 1.5 Billion-Year-Old Crater Found In Finland= </DIV> <DIV> </DIV><BR><BR>http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_54= 3619,00050003.htm<BR><BR>1.5 billion-year-old meteorite crater found in F= inland<BR>Agence France-Presse<BR>Helsinki, Finland<BR>January 22, 2004<B= R><BR>A crater from a meteorite that collided with earth some 1.5 billion= years <BR>ago has been discovered in Finland by two amateur geologists, = Finnish <BR>scientists said on Thursday.<BR><BR>"The discovery is nine ki= lometres in diameter, but the original crater <BR>must have been much lar= ger, because only the floor is left, since the <BR>rest of the crater bow= l has eroded away," said Lauri Pesonen, a professor <BR>of geophysics at = Helsinki University who verified the find.<BR><BR>According to calculatio= ns, the crater must have been between 20 and 25 <BR>kilometres wide follo= wing the impact, he added.<BR><BR>Two local amateur scientists, Satu Hiet= ala and Jarmo Moilanen, came across <BR>the crater last fall when they fo= und shatter cones in stones in the area.<BR><BR>Shatter cones, which are = typical feature found in stones in meteorite <BR>craters, are formed in t= he rock when the energy from the impact passes <BR>through it.<BR><BR>Sin= ce the surrounding rock formation is about 1.8 billion years old, <BR>Pes= onen said the meteorite was likely to have collided with the earth <BR>la= ter than that, probably around 1.5 billion years ago.<BR><BR>The crater, = partly covered by a lake, is located some 175 kilometres <BR>north of Hel= sinki.<BR><BR>So far, 11 meteorite impacts have been found in Finland, an= d some 180 <BR>worldwide, Pesonen said.<BR><BR>--------------------------= --------------------------------------------<BR><BR><BR>http://www.helsin= ki-hs.net/news.asp?id=3D20040122IE6<BR><BR>Large crater caused by meteori= te found in Finland <BR>Helsingin Sanomat (Finland)<BR>January 22, 2004<B= R><BR>A large crater caused by a meteorite has been found north of the co= mmunity <BR>of M=E4ntt=E4. The discovery of the crater - about ten = kilometres in <BR>diameter - was reported on Wednesday in the latest issu= e of the Finnish <BR>astronomy journal T=E4hdet ja avaruus ("Stars and Sp= ace"), which is <BR>published by the astronomical society Ursa. The magaz= ine has a reputation <BR>for meticulous accuracy. <BR><BR>The crater is l= ocated just north of M=E4ntt=E4=E4 in the Keurusselk=E4 <BR>area, and it = could be as much as a billion years old. It is the first <BR>landmark of = its kind in Finland to be found by amateurs. <BR><BR>The collision fragme= nts found in the area have been confirmed as remnants <BR>of a meteorite.= Experts confirming the discovery have included a geologist <BR>and geoph= ysicist from the University of Helsinki. <BR><BR>Teemu =D6hman of the Uni= versity of Oulu says that the find is the eleventh <BR>crater caused by a= meteorite to be discovered in Finland, and it could be <BR>the largest. = <BR><BR>The crater was originally much larger than it is now, with fairly= high edges. <BR>These have been worn down by intervening ice ages. Now o= nly the bottom of <BR>the crater is left, in addition to cone-shaped piec= es of rock from the impact. <BR><BR>The cone-shaped rocks can be found in= the Keurusselk=E4 area, with the narrow <BR>end pointing toward the cent= re of the impact. <BR><BR>On a global scale the newly-discovered Keurusse= lk=E4 crater is not among the <BR>largest. For instance, a meteorit= e which hit the Yucatan peninsula, and which <BR>is believed to have caus= ed the mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million <BR>years ago, l= eft behind a crater with a diameter of about 180 kilometres. <BR><BR>____= __________________________________________<BR>Meteorite-list mailing list= <BR>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com<BR>http://www.pairlist.net/mailma= n/listinfo/meteorite-list<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0000_01C3E21E.1D1FDEB0-- Received on Sat 24 Jan 2004 02:02:26 AM PST |
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