[meteorite-list] RE: Survival after a large impact event (Delete if you d...
From: stan . <laser_maniac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:28 2004 Message-ID: <Law10-F23KcaBJS3j9F000236de_at_hotmail.com> >There is certainly several months of >food supply probably at least two years out there. Everything doesn't come >out >of a can, the fields wouldn't be totally destroyed worldwide. I would guess there would be one 'growing season' of food out there. presumably there would be enough time to harvest crops that are in the feild right now. It might mean golf ball sized idaho potatoes and green tomatoes, but if it puts food in the belly, thats the important thing. >Marshall law in >plently of places would be fine, it is not too unlike many countries today, >and a spirit of cooperation under these circumstances wiould certainly win >out >in my vision, since going against it would be bad for your health Maybe I'm a bit of a cynic, but I would think one's own desire for self preservation would quickly win out over spirit of cooperation. > >Oh for the thinking out of the box ... if you don't think enough food >production facilities could be set up in a few months time, I disagree >there. what kind of food preperation facilities are we talking about? there are millions upon millions of acres of land dedicated to produce food. lets look at some numbers assuming we fed the people with rice, as it is one of the most effective crops to feed large populations with. you can get about 5,500 lbs of rice per acre per year. a 288g serving of long grain white rice will provide 1000 calories a day. a diet for most people, but enough to live on... That means 1 person needs 193 lbs of rice a year, or 1 acre would provide sustinance for about 29 people. To use convinient numbers, lets say the us has 300 million people. thats 10 million acres of rice production that would be needed to feed all our citizens. now consider the tasks involved in seting up such an enclosed growing environment. In the event of a large impact, we would need to build an enclosure that protects food crops from the environment, and provides an alternate source of energy to the crops. rice isnt going to grow if the sun is blacked out for 1000 years because of a comet induced nuclear winter. How in the world could we enclose 10 million acres in anywhere from a few months, to maybe 2 years (to use IMHO your overly generous guestimate)? to put that number in perspective, 10 million acres is 15625 square miles, or a square 125 miles on a side. Next consider the energy requirement of the plants. The sun provides 1kw/square meter at the surface of the earth. lets assume rice will live with a quarter of that light level if illuminated for 1/2 a day (ie a perpetually overcast day). We would need about 182.5 megawatt days to power artificial lighting for 1 acre of rice feild. 1825 trillion watt days would power enough feild area to feed the us. thats 48 trillion kWh per year. To put that into perspective, the total us power generation capibility is about 4 trillion kWh/year with about 20% of it comming from nuclear. so the total power output of the US, the worlds most industrialized nation, is only enough to power the lights above feilds that would feed less than 10% of it's population. So IF we can build indoor growing areas of 10 million acres in 2 years, and IF we can manufacture enough 100% efficent 'grow lights' (we cant) we still need 50x the nuclear power generation capacity that we currently have. I personally dont see us as being able to build 5000 new nuke plants in 2 years, even if we ignroe all saftey standards. Now obviously there are ways we can offset this food requierment, ie overfish the oceans, overhunt while game is still abundant, ect, but this would buy us years maybe. Certianly there may be out of the box solutions to the problem of feeding our population that i havent looked into here, but I think it's safe to say that simply building indoor foodstuffs growing capabilities isnt going to be one of them, at least not for the majority of people. And remeber we are tlaking about the capibilities of the united states, the most industrialized nation out there... think about what will happen in india, africa and china. BILLIONS of people would probably die in this sort of event. > But if I am wrong there, and all this really doesn't work as it would >have to, heating massive plankton and diatom water tanks could be built >virtually overnight and heated. Presto: instant flavored whale food for >distribution. this is probably a better solution, as with rice, energy efficency is lost by nature of the fact that only a small portion of the rice biomass is eadible. if we could overcome the energy efficency problems associated with indoor growing by using plankton, then that could concievably be a usefull aproach >Tastes better than dog food for sure. No doubt withing a week it could be >turned into a product that farm animals like to. Maybe not cows, so get >used >to rabbits and chickens. Rabbits reproduce quickly, we are told... >Probably the flavored diatom-plankton wouldn't taste any different from >tofu and they >reproduce fast in warm water with a light source. This brings us right back to square one. why feed a cow for a year, the amount of plankton required to keep 10 people alive, just so you can get 1 man-year worth of t bones? such a long term survivial of the species effort would have to be concerned with the overall energy efficency of the food source.. at least initially till more energy sources could be brought online. _________________________________________________________________ Find and compare great deals on Broadband access at the MSN High-Speed Marketplace. http://click.atdmt.com/AVE/go/onm00200360ave/direct/01/ Received on Thu 26 Feb 2004 05:45:24 PM PST |
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