[meteorite-list] Benguerir

From: thomasmeteorites_at_wanadoo.fr <thomasmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Dec 18 06:47:53 2004
Message-ID: <15226348.1103370468851.JavaMail.www_at_wwinf0503>

Hello list,

As Aziz and Nelson have already told you the Benguerir meteorite is an LL6 ordinary chondrite.
Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane has declared this fall to the NomCom at the beginning of the
This beautiful meteorite is very different from the two latest LL6 falls, BenSour and Kilabo. The
fusion crust is really thicker and seems to be fragile.
It seems that there is no small stones. The smallest are weighing around 600g. For the moment,
the TKW seems to be around 15Kg.
All the stones recovered recently presents some serious signs of weathering due to the rain.
I will update my website on Monday or Tuesday with the complete analysis results. I will also put
some Benguerir auctions on eBay this evening.

Best wishes,
Philippe Thomas
Received on Sat 18 Dec 2004 06:47:48 AM PST

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