[meteorite-list] Chiang Khan

From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Dec 17 04:48:48 2004
Message-ID: <001001c4e41d$e362bd20$357eebd9_at_9y6y40j>

Hi Zelimir,

The "Catalogue" itself lists:

2588.4g UCLA
224.5g Bartoschewitz
189g New York Nat.Hist.
106g Washington U.S.Nat.Mus.
39g Paris Hist.Nat.
32g Du Pont
22g + 12.6g + 8.7g London, Nat.Hist.
18.2g Berlin, Humboldt-Univ.
14.82g Ottawa, Geol.Surv.
9g Tempe
7.7g Chicago, Field Mus.
5g Albuquerque Univ New Mex
2.4g Muenster Inst.f.Planetologie

Not mentioned there is a 2.5kg stone in the Chulalongkorn University,

Oliver Alge found on his 3 expeditions, which took together almost 1 year,
altogether 606g

The material confiscated after the fall from the laotic military is lost.

So we have without Haag's pieces already a tkw of ~6.4kg.

Nevertheless it stays extremely difficult to get
and for heaven's sake I invite the list members again to buy the remaining
pieces of Oliver,
as he needs the money to found his help project in the strewnfield of Chiang
Khan, where he plans to move to.
Especially the European members should consider to take their share on this
rare offer as the USD is weak as never before and the price with 37$ per
gram is quite low.

Meanwhile I made new photos of the remaining pieces and will email them on
Some of the pieces are fresh like a Juancheng and not so brownish as it
seems on the pictures on Olivers page

So if you NEED NEW PHOTOS, please E-mail.

The smallest cut is sold now, the 6.25g were Bernhard's specimen and this
week the 41.1g killeroriented was gone too (I send a photo of the back with
the rollover lip and the only partial molten surface to The Picture of the

Remarkably from sice is the complete crusted stone of 70grams,
perhaps I should give it to captain Blood for the Tucson auction, as here in
Germany most collectors have no glimpse, that they won't get a similar
specimen anymore in their collectors life and the more experienced
collectors in USA seems to fear complications, if they would order from
another country, although it's fast, safe, easy and simple.

The 23.2g fragment is the ugliest piece, concerning stainings.

Extremely nice and fresh are the 12.2g broken individual and the 17.1g
individual, where only a small part is missing, both have very nice black
fusion crust.

If they'll be gone, they'll be gone.

Ask Mike Farmer, what he thinks about this price, I bet he never would give
away his two little specimens at such a low price.

May someone ask Rob Haag, wether and how much grams he owns in his
100% of the money will be used for the help project and for that purpose.

So let's go!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zelimir Gabelica" <Z.Gabelica_at_uha.fr>
To: <c>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 7:56 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Chiang Khan

Bernard, Martin, list,

With all of our listees I also feel very sorry for Bernhard about the
Bernhard, I wish you could rapidly overcome your angriness and re-positive
again. Positiving is perhaps, in this case, considering that the good news
is that the other 600 items were ignored by...ignorant burglars.
But life is full of (also) nice surprises. No doubt Stefan (Ralew) will
soon have some more beauties to propose you. I just remember his superb
display table in Ensisheim and regret not having found time to look more
closely at.

Regarding Chiang Khan, I agree that these are very seldom seen as offer.
There should be some nice pieces in collections or museums though.
I was lucky to acquire a complete 100% crusted individual of 41 grams
(probably from David New in the 1995's). Considering the mass existing in
other collections (I remember Haag is mentioning having a considerable
mass) I just wonder whether the TKW as mentioned in catalogs (also in
Meteorites from A to Z), namely only 367 grams (total 31 pieces recovered),
is correct?
Did someone make a (more recent) compilation or have updated repositories ?
Bernd ? J?rn ?

Best wishes,


A 22:44 16/12/04 +0100, vous avez ?crit :
>So it would be helpful, whenever someone from the list will get an offer
>Chiang Khan or if he/she detects a piece of Chiang Khan on ebay to contact
>as Chiang Khan is a superrare locality, which nobody has for sale (only
>Oliver Alge and in his collection Bartoschewitz has some and perhaps Haag I
>heard) and I remember well to whome I sold specimens for Oliver.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bernhard Rems" <bernhard_at_bgrems.com>
>To: <Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
>Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:24 PM
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Burglary
>Just wanted to tell you that my flat has been robbed and devastated today.
>The thieves stole all my smaller electronical equipment, a collection of
>roman coins, a collection of golden coins from the Austrian Hungarian
>and other things of value. They completely ignored my meteorite collection
>with over 600 items, except for a small portion of meteorites that were
>laying on my table with the PDA and the iPod. These meteorites were those I
>purchased from Stefan Ralew a few days ago, and the nice Chiang Khan I got
>from Martin Altmann.
>I have no idea why they took these and nothing else.
>PS: No insurance. Me idiot.
>Meteorite-list mailing list
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Universit? de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
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Received on Fri 17 Dec 2004 04:50:48 AM PST

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