[meteorite-list] NPA 03-13-1811 London Region Meteor, Terrors Locals
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Dec 12 11:48:07 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-F1508892D8032CCB746AB0FB3AA0_at_phx.gbl> Paper: Centinel City: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Date: Wednesday, March 13, 1811 Page: 4 >From London Reports. Extraordinary Meteor. ON the 19th of September, between the hours of five and six in the evening, a luminous meteor appeared in the south, and about the distance of a quarter of a league from the small commune of Brezeau, on the Meuse; persons who attentively examined it assert, that is was nearly a quarter of an hour in collecting, floating over the place where it was first seen, and that when all parts had united, it appeared all at once as a very considerable globe of fire; taking a northerly direction, it spread terror amongst the inhabitants of the village, who believed their houses would be burnt, and they themselves perish. This globe, was accompanied by a frightful noise, which was heard at the distance of more than a league and a half, and sometimes resembled the roaring of a rapid chariot; at others, the noise of rain violently agitated by the wind. It was followed by a very thick fog, and carried up from the ground every thing it met in its passage. In crossing a river it absorbed water, which afterwards soon fell in rain. It wandered for some time near the village. One thing certain is, that the roof of a house was thrown own, which is the only trace it has left. It was accompanied and followed by an abundant rain, much lightening, and loud claps of thunder. Continuing in the same direction, it suddenly turned into a column of fire, which, with the fog, rose towards the heavens. This made many persons believe the fog was smoke. It remained about a quarter of an hour in this state, a quarter of a league to the north of the village, and a short distance from the forest of Beauleau. This column now sunk a little, and at last it suddenly disappeared, leaving a thick fog, which had no smell. This phenomenon lasted three quarters of an hour, and travelled over the space of half a league. (end) The paper's title, “Centinel” appears to be an old spelling of “Sentinel”. Also traveled in last line is misspelled in article with two l’s and translated above correctly. Clear Skies, Mark Bostick http://www.meteoritearticles.com http://stores.ebay.com/meteoritearticles Reminders: PDF copy of this article, and other articles postcard today, are available upon e-mail request. The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. I have been doing this to for use of the meteorite-list search engine: http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com/maillist.html Received on Sun 12 Dec 2004 11:47:59 AM PST |
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