[meteorite-list] More lecturing produces panic!

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 30 20:02:59 2004
Message-ID: <4091C408.4040101_at_fascination.com>

Dear List;
I just gave a one hour lecture about meteorites to the local archaeology
society group. I had them all searching for the closest flashlights so
they could get a jump on the time before morning.
Seems most archaeology students have never been exposed to the
possibility of meteorites existing in the natural world. They all
tended to confirm my suspicion that if no stones were available that a
meteorite on a playa lake would be used for a boiling stone by a native
american.........so watch your boiling stones as they may be meteorites.
    Meteorites may burn twice!
Dave Freeman
Received on Thu 29 Apr 2004 11:12:08 PM PDT

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