[meteorite-list] Need Some Advice Please

From: Mike Groetz <mpg444_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:13 2004
Message-ID: <20040411235224.20174.qmail_at_web41308.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello Everyone-
   I hope Easter was nice for all of you. Good day for
family, friends and to be thankful for all we have
been given in life.
   Would some of you offer me some suggestions-
especially if you have tried this?
   I live in central Ohio- an area rarely if ever
visited by Harvey Nininger years ago. I have read his
book "Find a Falling Star" three times over now and
learn more every time.
   Similar to Mr. Nininger's efforts-I am considering
running an advertisement in the local paper, not the
classifieds, but maybe a 2" X 2" ad that I could
afford- looking for finders of possible meteorites-
particularly farmers. This is a very strong farming
community I live in.
   I have some ideas of my own- but would like some
advise from seasoned professionals on the following:
   -the best way to word the article- am I looking for
meteorites as such or characteristics of found rocks
that could be meteorites?
   -if responses are received- how do you offer to
purchase such a piece fairly? Is it best to take a
sample and have it analyzed first- or to make an offer
on the spot if I feel confident?
   -$1 a pound for finds was many years ago. What
would be reasonable pricing today? Should the offer be
by type- stone, iron or stoney-iron (boy I sure have
my hopes up don't I !!!)
   -The best way to take ownership of the piece when
agreement is reached. A receipt is a given- but any
legalities providing the piece was purchased from the
owner/finders personal property?

   Thank You to everyone that reads this and for your
   The meteorite list is coming back- can you tell?
Good friends and a good place to learn and share some

Mike Groetz

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