[meteorite-list] Bernd on not feeding the ducks.
From: Walter Branch <branchw_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:12 2004 Message-ID: <00ef01c41e0c$72855cc0$3438dc44_at_wbranch> Hi Al and List, Exactly! The movie is called "War Games." I reference it often in working with kids and parents. Something like this: So, I understand you got in trouble yesterday at school for running in the hall. Yes. So-and-so was chasing me. It wasn't my fault. Well, what would have happened if you had just stood there and not ran, could you have been chased? ... -Walter ------------------------------------------ www.branchmeteorites.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "almitt" <almitt_at_kconline.com> To: <bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de> Cc: <Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>; <mcomemeteorite2000@yahoo.it> Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:50 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bernd on not feeding the ducks. > Hi Bernd and all, > > Great post Bernd and well worded. I want to add my two cents but hard to follow a great act like > yours! > > The problem I see is non-meteorite related posts. These can be in the form of an attack or other > non-sense type postings. I have been guilty myself. My recommendation is if someone posts a > meteorite related post, then feel free to comment on it or add to it. If it is something you wish > to comment on because you disagree then contact the poster off the list. You can always post a > rebuttal on a post with the necessary sources for proof, backing up your comments. > > If someone attacks you, directly or indirectly then don't play the game (don't feed the ducks). > Simply don't respond. Contact them off list. Usually the people doing the attacking are the ones > with something to hide. The list has so much to offer if everyone would follow Art's rules. As I > have said before the list is what we make it. It can be elevated into a highly attractive forum > for discussion of meteorites or we can take it to the hog waller of all lists. Posts responding > to other non-sense type post also take up a great deal of space. Don't feed the fire don't > respond to off topic posts. > > In a movie one time about nuclear war, a computer that was capable of learning started out > simulating various attacks on the enemies of this country (war games). It tried all kinds of > scenarios trying to win the game of nuclear war. In each case the enemy would respond with a full > retaliatory strike killing most of the worlds population. If we as a group (from all over the > world) who love talking and learning about meteorites can't be civil to each other, then there > is no hope for the rest of the world. I hope you can show I am wrong but I really wonder > sometimes. > > Oh yes in the end of the movie the computer said: strange game (nuclear war) the only winning > move is not to play. So it is true on the list, the only winning move is not to play into the > hands of the list trouble makers. All my best. > > --AL Mitterling > > > > bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de wrote: > > > Well, instead of leaning back and passing out popcorn for the ringside watchers > > of the nasty list fights and backstabbings, we had better step in and caution people > > about possible consequences. You did just that, Michael, when you wrote these lines > > to the List on February 29. This was quick, this was brave, this was daring and risky: > > > > "Michael Farmer and all others tempted ... I don't know about the rest of you, > > but I would like Bernd back on this list. He clearly will not be a member if there > > is bickering name calling. Sincerely, Michael" > > > > You clearly did not want to stand idle and wait while dangers were again gathering! > > > > Just the opposite was true last October before I unsubscribed. Nobody even tried > > to "restore a bit of law and order" while some list members ranted and raved almost > > non-stop. I tried to make the list aware of what was unfolding, I tried to put it with a > > grain of humor ... list members did not react, zero, zilch, nothing. Here is what I wrote: > > > > "October's harvest (and the month is not over yet): dipshit - crap - nitwit - idiot - rip off > > - piss off - spam stupidity - idiocy - money-hungry dealer - coward - ass - ... (only an > > excerpt - any meteorites out there ? ;-)" > > > > Instead, quite a few list members excelled in the systematic demise of another > > list member who wrote to the List after the tragic events of 9/11, 2001: > > > > "Hello all, I personally and the Italian State express the most > > felt condolences for the victims of the terrible attacks today." > > > > Such words were a sure proof of that list member's pro-American sympathies. > > I am not trying to plead a case for this list member, he did plunder, he had made > > quite a few mistakes but it was and still is wrong to only descend on him while > > those who clearly provoked several of his reactions, got away "unscathed", and > > the list chose to wait while dangers gathered. > > > > And dangers did gather and culminate in the disgusting, nauseating, despicable > > and utterly offensive T-shirt affair with people "proudly showing off this T-shirt" at > > the Tucson Mineral and Gem Show ... and both the Tuscon attendees and the List > > chose to let it happen instead of interfering, instead of putting an end to such a > > hoopla. > > > > But the "cream of the crop"for me was when a list member publicly denounced on > > his website the one figured on the T-shirt comparing him to used toilet paper and > > finding him guilty of being an idiot. > > > > Most of us have seen and read this disrespectful comment but chose > > to wait while dangers gathered at the horizon. Hostilities broke out again > > a few days ago and resulted in an unprecedented series of "good byes": > > > > Entropy Dave, Mexico Doug, Howard, Timothy, ... to name a few. > > > > I would like to share with you the words that finally brought > > me back to the List. The author .... well, Mexico Doug !!! > > > > "All I know is that the list has become much more civil lately and I would like to > > personally invite you back to join on a trial basis. We really need people like you > > there, because the less good people there are are the less interesting topics > > become in general. The "network effect". What good is having a telephone if you > > are the only one ... So please come back to the list and help keep the topics > > interesting. You're not alone and the losers from your departure are only people like > > us (the people that aren't barbaric flamers), and we need to maintain critical mass, > > so what do you say to that ... Saludos, Doug" > > > > M. Blood responded: > > > > > Do you have suggestions on how > > > not to wait while dangers gather? > > > > Step in, put a halt to anything that might hurt a list member's feelings, stick to that > > which brings us together => meteorites, discuss things without abusing people's > > reputation, be critical but not abusive. > > > > Do not always try to call upon Art to step in for us and our wrongdoings, he is wise > > enough to stay out of such petty quarrels. Do not leave this list but raise your finger > > as soon as any form of haggling starts again before it turns into someone's demise. > > > > And, ... I am tired of using my delete key. This can't be the real thing to delete nine > > out of ten posts unless you want to live with such comments from a *very* respected > > list member: "Hi Bernd, I hardly read the list anymore. I have been hitting the delete > > button more often than not." > > > > Best wishes, > > > > Bernd > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Fri 09 Apr 2004 04:27:07 AM PDT |
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