[meteorite-list] Mars Exploration Rover Update - April 6, 2004

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:12 2004
Message-ID: <200404071515.IAA00653_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


Opportunity Status for sol 70
100-Meter Dash
Apr. 6, 12:45 pm PST

Opportunity "dashed" away from the rim of its
"Eagle Crater" landing-site on sol 70, which ended
at 6:20 a.m. PST on April 5. The roughly 100-meter
(about 328 feet) drive led the rover to a target area
dubbed "Anatolia," along a sinuous crack in the
plains of Meridiani Planum defined by deep
impressions in the sand sprinkled with Eagle
Crater-like rocks. In the coming sols Opportunity
will further investigate the rocks in this

Before leaving the vicinity of Eagle Crater,
Opportunity performed a maneuver on "Bounce"
rock lightheartedly called "crush and go" by the
rover engineers. In order to gather further
information about the rock's hardness, the
intentional drive over Bounce was an attempt to
fracture it. The science team is awaiting images
from the rover's rear hazard avoidance camera to
see the results.

An appropriate tune - "Truckin'" by The Greatful
Dead - woke Opportunity this sol.
Received on Wed 07 Apr 2004 11:15:40 AM PDT

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