[meteorite-list] OT: I am back
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:12 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV124FwMteZyV00008889_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_0021_01C41C30.E7A08080 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello Everyone, Well.....I guess I am back. =20 I have to be honest, it is hard for me to get upset....and even harder fo= r me to remain upset. Strange thing happened yesterday. I went out to eat= with my mother and father. While this may not sound to strange, you shou= ld understand neither has spoken in 15 years and neither seemed to have a= ny desire. They are now retirement age and my dad returned home last year= , after doing aircraft contract work the last 10 years. My mother returne= d from the Philippines last year as well. Their dislike for each other ha= d me organizing two Thanksgiving dinners and two Christmas dinners. Yet, = yesterday they sat across the table beside each other, neither fighting f= or the empty seat besides me. Sometimes it takes a few days for someone t= o calm down, sometimes it takes 15 years I guess. I get a mass of meteorite e-mails from "newbies" and I try to answer them= the best I can. From time to time I get referenced from someone I consi= der well-know ledged and from at other times I get contacted by various o= rganizations. Google seems to like my website and I sure that helps attr= act these e-mails as well. There are many list members that know a lot mo= re then me, several have nicer collections then me and as a hunter, I hav= e to be somewhere in the bottom tier. It is hard for me to consider mysel= f an "expert" in a field I feel mostly overshadowed by my peers. So I am = humbled by the responses I have gotten via e-mail from list members about= our latest "tiff". I am humbled my thoughts have any emotional effects = on others. So, I am back, and I will try not to let "repeat" this last week. Not so = much in self-censorship but more so in sending e-mails to the list. I und= erstand now greater Mike Farmer's list "fights". He is emotionally attach= ed to meteorites, and his e-mails come from this emotion. Perhaps I am mo= re emotionally attached to these rocks then I realized. And while I never= considered myself that great of a contributor to the list, it is quite c= lear from your e-mails (and phone calls) that many of you do. =20 I ask that you forgive me for not keeping my typically cool head, and per= haps for making a small situation worse. I will try not to feed the ducks= from now on, or let others make me a duck. Mark Bostick www.meteoritearticles.com www.kansasmeteoritesociety.com www.imca.cc ------=_NextPart_001_0021_01C41C30.E7A08080 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV><BR><FONT size= =3D2> <P>Hello Everyone,</P> <P>Well.....I guess I am back. </P> <P>I hav= e to be honest, it is hard for me to get upset....and even harder for me = to remain upset. Strange thing happened yesterday. I went out to eat with= my mother and father. While this may not sound to strange, you should un= derstand neither has spoken in 15 years and neither seemed to have any de= sire. They are now retirement age and my dad returned home last year, aft= er doing aircraft contract work the last 10 years. My mother returned fro= m the Philippines last year as well. Their dislike for each other had me = organizing two Thanksgiving dinners and two Christmas dinners. Yet, yeste= rday they sat across the table beside each other, neither fighting for th= e empty seat besides me. Sometimes it takes a few days for someone to cal= m down, sometimes it takes 15 years I guess.</P> <P>I get a mass of meteo= rite e-mails from "newbies" and I try to answer them the best I can. = ; From time to time I get referenced from someone I consider well-know le= dged and from at other times I get contacted by various organization= s. Google seems to like my website and I sure that helps attract th= ese e-mails as well. There are many list members that know a lot more the= n me, several have nicer collections then me and as a hunter, I have to b= e somewhere in the bottom tier. It is hard for me to consider myself an "= expert" in a field I feel mostly overshadowed by my peers. So I am humble= d by the responses I have gotten via e-mail from list members about our l= atest "tiff". I am humbled my thoughts have any emotional effects o= n others.</P> <P>So, I am back, and I will try not to let "repeat" this l= ast week. Not so much in self-censorship but more so in sending e-mails t= o the list. I understand now greater Mike Farmer's list "fights". He is e= motionally attached to meteorites, and his e-mails come from this emotion= Perhaps I am more emotionally attached to these rocks then I realized. = And while I never considered myself that great of a contributor to the li= st, it is quite clear from your e-mails (and phone calls) that many of yo= u do. </P> <P>I ask that you forgive me for not keeping my typically cool= head, and perhaps for making a small situation worse. I will try not to = feed the ducks from now on, or let others make me a duck.</P> <P> </= P> <P>Mark Bostick</P> <P>www.meteoritearticles.com</P> <P>www.kansasmete= oritesociety.com</P> <P>www.imca.cc</P></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_0021_01C41C30.E7A08080-- Received on Wed 07 Apr 2004 12:43:04 AM PDT |
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