[meteorite-list] Denver 2003 - Part 1
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:29:57 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV105nAsAkwrO000027f2_at_hotmail.com> ------=_NextPart_001_003F_01C37D53.97E264E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello Everyone, Sorry no photos this year. Was having camera problems. Denver 2003 Report By Mark Bostick I usually choose to fly and then have one of my brothers meet me in Denve= r with a car to get around and get things home with. This year I chose ju= st to drive in. Armed with the help of my brother, Johnny Bostick. I left= Thursday evening choosing to stop along the way for the night close to t= he Colorado border. We made our way to a small motel in Colby, Kansas. De= nver to Wichita is only a little over 500 miles, but our hotel reservatio= ns were not to Friday anyway. The bathroom had a sign telling guest not t= o clean kills in the bathtub. There was a location behind building 9 were= kills could be cleaned. West Kansas is completely flat and a popular are= a for bird and deer hunters, I don=E2=80=99t imagine it took the motel lo= ng in business before drafting the sign. Colby was also the location of a= meteorite find once, a small stone of only 2.4 kg. But it was enough to = make me toss around the ideal of hunting in the morning. =20 Instead we chose to get an early start Friday morning on Denver and getti= ng to our hotel, the Radisson Greystone Castle. The Castle is located abo= ut 10 miles from the Holiday Inn - Best Western hotels were all the meteo= rite events are centered. It is also one of the better hotels in the area= . But I think next year I will follow the lead of my fellow meteorite sel= lers and stay at the Holiday Inn. It will make getting back to the hotel = after a night of possible drinking easier. Just use the elevator. Usually when I go to the mineral shows I don't make too many major purcha= ses the first day. So other then a couple dozen mineral flats, I didn't b= uy much and non-meteorites don't really count. That made most of Friday a= hello, hi, how are you doing, nice seeing you again day. My brother and = me walked around the Holiday Inn and the Best Western rooms and tents loo= king for things to catch my eye while pricing minerals and fossils. Mostly, I just hung around Blaine Reed's room. Everyone can usually be se= en at one time or another coming in or going out of Blaine's. He is the c= enter point of the meteorite world at shows and to make it easy on us, al= ways has the same room every year. Besides keeping us entertained and wit= h a beer in hand if wanted, Blaine also does a good job at keeping his ta= bles full of stuff to amuse us and tempt our pocketbooks. I walked away w= ith a few meteorites and meteorite books including, Nininger first book, = Our Stone Pelted Planet, and a platter size slice of Northbranch. This room was also temporary home of the Garza stone with all its glory. = You really have to see the stone appreciate it. To me, it kind of looked = like a giant Bensour, only kicked around a couple hundred times. Surround= ing the stone were pieces of the house torn apart by the meteorite impact= . The Garza stone was presented by Adam and Greg Hupe who also had a coll= ection of riker mounted meteorites and Garza Impact Kits for sale. =20 Adam and Greg gave out "Lunar Rock Team" badges to a number of people inc= luding myself. Complete with a Marvin the Martian photo and job titles. M= ine noted me as a "Meteoritics Explorer", that I was a "VIP" and that the= pass was for "All Access". Complete with a cord to put around my neck. B= efore the show was over, most of my fellow sellers were temporary members= of the Lunar Rock Team and some of us would find out this was a good thi= ng. AL Mitterling (of Mitterling Meteorites) is usually at the Denver show, a= nd this year was no exception. Al and me had gone in together on a large = end cut of SAH97095, a few months before the show. This is a nice H5 with= shock veins and one of the first classified African desert meteorites. I= picked up my slices at the show and they are just stunning. Several slic= es show on both sides a metal vein, up to 2 inches long and wide enough t= o be seen on of 5 slices. Thanks again Al for the nice work. I will have = some photos of these metal veined slices soon. Until then, I have several= very nice slices, some with lots of shock veins on my Website right now.= (Sorry, had to squeeze a little Spam in here). Late Friday was the Comets/Michael Blood auction. Michael was the auction= eer and brought with him, his usual entertaining comments and auctioneer = style. In the auction were a few things that caught my eye, including a h= andcrafted necklace. Sterling silver with a large wrapped moldavite as a = pendent, and moon stone beads. This necklace was one of several that were= entered by a cute young blond in her twenties. While only two of the nec= klaces sold in the auction, she did sell all but one while people were wa= iting to check out. These necklace sells had her obviously excited and ma= de me smile a little. For my purchase I also got a hug. Lets hope she ret= urns to our fold, our hobby could use more of a female presence...:-) =20 Like the previous years the Comets provided a keg of local beer, along wi= th wine, chips, and other snacks. Anne Black was kind enough to hang arou= nd the auction room (Dave Bunks Mineral Showroom...or something close to = that), so that people could enter items earlier then in previous years an= d have the items on display before the auction. The Hupes entered the most items and many went for well under retail. A m= ultiple hundred-dollar bottle of wine was sold with the proceeds going to= the Comets. A kind gesture that was much appreciated. And even more so w= hen the winner opened the bottle and shared with all. The final bids on m= y items were low, but it did manage to pay for the items I bided on, help= ed fund the Comets and gave me an extra $50.00 so I won't complain. =20 Please visit, www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor= and meteorite articles. ------=_NextPart_001_003F_01C37D53.97E264E0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV> <P>Hello Ever= yone,</P> <P>Sorry no photos this year. Was having camera problems.= </P> <P> </P> <P>Denver 2003 Report</P> <P>By Mark Bostick</P> <P>I = usually choose to fly and then have one of my brothers meet me in Denver = with a car to get around and get things home with. This year I chose just= to drive in. Armed with the help of my brother, Johnny Bostick. I left T= hursday evening choosing to stop along the way for the night close to the= Colorado border. We made our way to a small motel in Colby, Kansas. Denv= er to Wichita is only a little over 500 miles, but our hotel reservations= were not to Friday anyway. The bathroom had a sign telling guest not to = clean kills in the bathtub. There was a location behind building 9 were k= ills could be cleaned. West Kansas is completely flat and a popular area = for bird and deer hunters, I don=E2=80=99t imagine it took the motel long= in business before drafting the sign. Colby was also the location of a m= eteorite find once, a small stone of only 2.4 kg. But it was enough to ma= ke me toss around the ideal of hunting in the morning. </P> <P>Instead we= chose to get an early start Friday morning on Denver and getting to our = hotel, the Radisson Greystone Castle. The Castle is located about 10 mile= s from the Holiday Inn - Best Western hotels were all the meteorite event= s are centered. It is also one of the better hotels in the area. But I th= ink next year I will follow the lead of my fellow meteorite sellers and s= tay at the Holiday Inn. It will make getting back to the hotel after a ni= ght of possible drinking easier. Just use the elevator.</P> <P>Usually wh= en I go to the mineral shows I don't make too many major purchases the fi= rst day. So other then a couple dozen mineral flats, I didn't buy much an= d non-meteorites don't really count. That made most of Friday a hello, hi= , how are you doing, nice seeing you again day. My brother and me walked = around the Holiday Inn and the Best Western rooms and tents looking for t= hings to catch my eye while pricing minerals and fossils.</P> <P>Mostly, = I just hung around Blaine Reed's room. Everyone can usually be seen at on= e time or another coming in or going out of Blaine's. He is the center po= int of the meteorite world at shows and to make it easy on us, always has= the same room every year. Besides keeping us entertained and with a beer= in hand if wanted, Blaine also does a good job at keeping his tables ful= l of stuff to amuse us and tempt our pocketbooks. I walked away with a fe= w meteorites and meteorite books including, Nininger first book, Our Ston= e Pelted Planet, and a platter size slice of Northbranch.</P> <P>This roo= m was also temporary home of the Garza stone with all its glory. You real= ly have to see the stone appreciate it. To me, it kind of looked like a g= iant Bensour, only kicked around a couple hundred times. Surrounding the = stone were pieces of the house torn apart by the meteorite impact. The Ga= rza stone was presented by Adam and Greg Hupe who also had a collection o= f riker mounted meteorites and Garza Impact Kits for sale. </P> <P>Adam a= nd Greg gave out "Lunar Rock Team" badges to a number of people including= myself. Complete with a Marvin the Martian photo and job titles. Mine no= ted me as a "Meteoritics Explorer", that I was a "VIP" and that the pass = was for "All Access". Complete with a cord to put around my neck. Before = the show was over, most of my fellow sellers were temporary members of th= e Lunar Rock Team and some of us would find out this was a good thing.</P= > <P>AL Mitterling (of Mitterling Meteorites) is usually at the Denver sh= ow, and this year was no exception. Al and me had gone in together on a l= arge end cut of SAH97095, a few months before the show. This is a nice H5= with shock veins and one of the first classified African desert meteorit= es. I picked up my slices at the show and they are just stunning. Several= slices show on both sides a metal vein, up to 2 inches long and wide eno= ugh to be seen on of 5 slices. Thanks again Al for the nice work. I will = have some photos of these metal veined slices soon. Until then, I have se= veral very nice slices, some with lots of shock veins on my Website right= now. (Sorry, had to squeeze a little Spam in here).</P> <P>Late Friday w= as the Comets/Michael Blood auction. Michael was the auctioneer and broug= ht with him, his usual entertaining comments and auctioneer style. In the= auction were a few things that caught my eye, including a handcrafted ne= cklace. Sterling silver with a large wrapped moldavite as a pendent, and = moon stone beads. This necklace was one of several that were entered by a= cute young blond in her twenties. While only two of the necklaces sold i= n the auction, she did sell all but one while people were waiting to chec= k out. These necklace sells had her obviously excited and made me smile a= little. For my purchase I also got a hug. Lets hope she returns to our f= old, our hobby could use more of a female presence...:-) </P> <P>Like the= previous years the Comets provided a keg of local beer, along with wine,= chips, and other snacks. Anne Black was kind enough to hang around the a= uction room (Dave Bunks Mineral Showroom...or something close to that), s= o that people could enter items earlier then in previous years and have t= he items on display before the auction.</P> <P>The Hupes entered the most= items and many went for well under retail. A multiple hundred-dollar bot= tle of wine was sold with the proceeds going to the Comets. A kind gestur= e that was much appreciated. And even more so when the winner opened the = bottle and shared with all. The final bids on my items were low, but it d= id manage to pay for the items I bided on, helped fund the Comets and gav= e me an extra $50.00 so I won't complain. </P> <P><BR><BR>Please visit, w= ww.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor and meteorite = articles.</P></DIV></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_001_003F_01C37D53.97E264E0-- Received on Wed 17 Sep 2003 08:40:48 PM PDT |
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