[meteorite-list] NWA 1083 (CR2) now cataloged
From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:35 2004 Message-ID: <20031023214849.43698.qmail_at_web60303.mail.yahoo.com> Re: [MeteoriticalBulletin] Announcement 88-3 This message is to notify all NWA 1083 specimen holders that your stone is now formally classified as a CR2 and it now appears in MB 88: (It took some time, but I was finally able to get this stone's "type" (CR2) accepted and approved. I was able to resolve the confusion surrounding its earlier classification. In the process I had to donate my portion of NWA 1083 to be the type specimen, in order to make it formally cataloged. Holders of NWA 1083 specimens need not thank me. Getting another stone cataloged is thanks enough. After all, that's what I do for a hobby. Yet, having said that, it is my distinct pleasure now to wash my hands of this entire affair.) Bob V. --------- Original Message -------- THE METEORITICAL BULLETIN E-mail Announcement 88-3, October 23, 2003 Sara Russell, Editor (sara.russell_at_nhm.ac.uk) Jutta Zipfel, Assoc. Ed. for Northwest Africa (zipfel_at_mpch-mainz.mpg.de) This is the third electronic announcement of new meteorites to be published in Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 88, 2004 July. Here, you will find the information about newly described chondrites (exclusive of type 4-6 ordinary chondrite finds). Carbonaceous chondrites: Dar al Gani 1030 CK4/5 (10 g, Libya) Gao-Guenie (b) CR (344 g, Burkina-Faso) Northwest Africa 1083 CR2 (61 g, Morocco) ++++message truncated++++ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com Received on Thu 23 Oct 2003 05:48:49 PM PDT |
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