[meteorite-list] New address for Yamaguchi Symposium on Impact Events in Japan, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:34 2004
Message-ID: <20031023115857.31615.qmail_at_web21407.mail.yahoo.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear List,
   The web page has changed due to computer problems. Here is the new address for the International Symposium on Impact Events in Japan, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim web page. Thank you. Sincerely, Dirk Ross....Yamaguchi, Japan

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<DIV>Dear List,</DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp; The web page has changed due to computer problems.&nbsp; Here is the new address for the International Symposium on Impact Events in Japan, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim web page.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thank you.&nbsp; Sincerely,&nbsp; Dirk Ross....Yamaguchi, Japan</DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://web.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/~yasmiura/IEJE1023.htm">http://web.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/~yasmiura/IEJE1023.htm</A></DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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