[meteorite-list] RUSSELL GULCH

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:30 2004
Message-ID: <3F8E9902.2040803_at_fascination.com>

Dear Steve Arnold,

Russell Gulch is spelled Russel Gulch, Om IIIAB, Gilpin Co., CO USA 1863
(star) 1 _at_ 13.2 kg and is in Meteorites from A to Z by the Jensen's and
Anne Black.

Catalogue of Meteorites 5th. Ed. lists 39'48'N, 105'30'W
Med. octahedrite. bandwith 0.9mm also Gilpin Co
Man mass 29 pounds, 7.52% Ni Not artificially reheated but
cosmically deformed, V.F. Buchwald (1975).

Distribution: 4.97kg, AMNH, New York; 1.9kg, Harvard Univ.; 502g, MfN,
Berlin; 273g FMNH, Chicago; 175g, ASU, Tempe;121g, Yale Univ.; 118g,
Univ. Geol. Mus., Copenhagen; 85g MNH, Denver; 155.2g GSC, Ottawa; 46g
USNM, Washington; 71g, Vatican Colln, Rome; 39.6g, UCLA, Los Angles;
127g NHM, Vienna; 193g, DuPont Colln, Palatine, Illinois; 133g, GSI,
Seems this one is old, and very well traded around.
Aren't reference books wonderful!
Dave F.

Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

>Hi there list.I just aquired a piece of RUSSELL GULCH from colorado.Could
>someone please tell me something about this very nice colorado piece?
> steve arnold
>Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
>I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
>Illinois Meteorites
>website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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