[meteorite-list] What Would Nininger Do?
From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:27 2004 Message-ID: <20031014051429.13583.qmail_at_web20908.mail.yahoo.com> Well Keven All i will say is this, unless Blaine and Blake Reed are liers (and I doubt that anyone on this list belives that) you duid what I said, many times. I am not condeming you for that, not my place, just making the point that you claim to be holier than thou. As far as my grammer, I thought that I already addresed that, here in India, using the internet is very hard, takes too long, and i dont ahve time to correct my spelling errors. I am sure you can wade through them. Say what you will, that is your right. I doubt there are many who would crucify me for "stealing" this meteorite. By the way, I just ready the WP article, interesting that reporters never can get anything right. just like the PArk Forest one who said my collection was worth $30 million! So you should not believe what you read every time. Oh yes, I also thought it very funny about how you "led" those expeditions in South America. The Reeds would love to hear that one. Mike Farmer --- MARSROX_at_aol.com wrote: > Open Letter to Mike Farmer: > > I've just got around to reading your letters of the > weekend to the list and > myself. You have insulted and threatened me on this > list. > > I am puzzled by some of your statements. I want to > answer some of your > questions. I demand an explanation or an apology > with my name attached to it to this > list. > > Let's begin. > > You ask - "Show me where India requires release of > meteorites"..... > > A paper from the 64th Annual Meteoritical Society > Meeting (2001) by > D.G.Schmitt, McEwan, et. al entitled "Law of > Ownership and Control of Meteorites" > reviews the laws in several countries. Among the > national laws cited are: > India - "Meteorites are deemed owned by the > Geological Survey of India, > without compensation." > > There. I showed ya. > > Your "excuses" for making the paperwork unnecessary: > - "the people here are dieing (sic)" > - "I am offering several years salery(sic) for a > piece" > - "I do not claim to be the most law abiding person > on the planet" > are execrable. > > Same as the U.S.A. If you don't like their laws, > work to change them. > > And as I noted a few days ago, Hupe told you permits > were needed before you > left the USA. You state a falsehood if you claim not > to know the laws. It is > your duty to learn the laws of the country you visit > to harvest meteorites. > Publicly removing meteorites from India reflects > poorly on us all. > > Aside - I want to assure readers from other > country's that Mike's > ethnocentric attitude towards every other country he > visits is not shared by all > Americans. His military background seems to have > distorted his views of all other > people. > > And for the record, Mike, I served three years in > the US Peace > Corps/Philippines in the very conditions that > presently amaze you and make you "soil your > pants". I didn't have electricity, refrigeration or > running water for the first > two years. Or soiled pants. > > In your message (did Matteo write this for you?), > claiming that "driving > faster than the posted limit is no different from > taking a stone from that (sic) I > have paid for out of the country without filling out > a thousand request > papers and needing years to do it." > > Let me help you here. Shooing a fly from a sandwich > is not the same as > dropping a nuclear bomb on Pakistan. Driving faster > than the posted limit in Tucson > is not comparable to traveling with the intent to > break a Federal Law in India. > > Why won't you "fill out a thousand request papers?" > Is this new to you? > > A "Professional" would fill out the papers. He would > then hold a legal > specimen that he could sell or trade. > > Of course, I didn't even get a receipt with the $50 > slice I bought from you > last month. Maybe YOU were busy smoking crack and > forgot. Just like the > invisible Nakhla dog, can you prove that you > weren't! > > You further show your disdain for legalities, ethics > and everyone that agrees > with me by writing, "If that is a problem with > someone like (sic) Kevin's > lofty sense of morality (Laughing my ass off), so be > it. Don't buy from me." > > I won't. A lofty sense of morality does that to you. > And a few other > list-members already have added their names to the > "morality" boycott. > > And that's a powerful "tool" you're using in > building a business and just the > attitude we need in the hobby. "I'm a crass ass and > if you don't like it, oh > well." > > You also wrote to the list, "I hope (he) is not > being put up to it by some > envious competitors. That is the lowest of the low." > > Your hopes and dreams have come true, because no, > Mike. I am confronting you > all by myself. > > The dim lights on this list, we'll know who they are > in a minute, admire you > for the audacity that's clearly thievery and lies. > > Almost everyone else is afraid of becoming a target > for your cursing threats > and intimidation's. > > Here's what you need to respond to: > > "I have heard about your carnal actions in South > America with young women > there...so please remember, do not commit crimes > while condemning me." > > My memory's not infallible, but I think I would > remember, and intensely > enjoyed, "carnal actions with young women in South > America." Unfortunately, I do > not. Nor if I did, would such sex be a crime. Nor > could I find my way through > 13 layers of petticoats. > > But this claim of yours is meant to be malicious, to > "quiet me" and cause me > embarrassment on the deepest level. > > You couldn't do better than that? You have no > imagination. > > So "You've heard" something from a person you don't > identify and you > maliciously attack me to cause me embarrassment, > loss of business and professional > friendships? You actually set the ball on a tee for > a homerun libel suite. > > I request either: > - an explanation of what "you've heard," > - photos or police reports for "this carnal crime" > would be helpful, > - or an apology to me directly to this list. > > Is that clear? Prove or apologize. > > How far we've come since the day in Tucson you asked > to have your photo taken > with me. > > Ah, Tucson. I also remember sitting around "shooting > the sh-t" with you, > Mike, as some other dealers (who's names I'll > protect for the moment) and you > decided how much they would contribute to pay for > your next trip to Morocco. I > remember listening into how the meteorite booty > would be eventually divided up. > > This is true, isn't it, that you have traveled on > other people's money? Many > of the newcomers, and some "veterans" on this list > find it "heroic" that you > fly around on your own dime. > > We buy, you fly. Maybe we can take up a collection > for a one-way ticket to > NWA Timbuktu and send you on your way. Permanently. > > The same Washington Post article mentioned that you, > sadly, dropped out of > college. > > Maybe you should have stayed. At the least, your > grammar would've improved. > Why not sign up for night classes now? Heck, you can > afford them! You're a > millionaire! > > Slander and counter-punch. Or be perceived as weak > and guilty. That's how the > === message truncated === Received on Tue 14 Oct 2003 01:14:29 AM PDT |
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