[meteorite-list] Meteorites in limestone (or in sandstone, 120 pcs in Finland?????)

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:20 2004
Message-ID: <3F7C7D29.9040302_at_dlc.fi>

Hello, Martin A. and the list.

and thank you for the pic, Martin A. Well, these are really
not micrometeorites.

I put the pic on the net;


just to save time and trouble from Martin, hope this is ok.
If not, Martin, please, let me know, and Iīll remove the pic.

I thik, this is a beaty worth to share. I also aggree with Bjorn,
these should be listed as a "real" find in the cataloque.

take care,

pekka s

Martin Altmann wrote:

>Hi Pekka and the list,
>the fossile meteorites of Kinnekulle are very macroscopic.
>I couldn't find a picture in the web, so I scanned a photo from a magazine.
>(Sterne&Weltraum, 8/2003, p.15)
>The meteorite there is about 8cm x 6cm / 3.15" x 2.36" and is looking like,
>well, just as a an ordinary chondrite has to look like.
>I have no place to put it online,
>so if somebody interested in the picture I will mail it off list.
>(from now on Martin A. to avoid confusion).
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Pekka Savolainen" <pekka.savolainen_at_dlc.fi>
>To: "Martin Altmann" <Altmann_at_Meteorite-Martin.de>
>Cc: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 3:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites in limestone (or in sandstone, 120
>pcs in Finland?????)
>Hello, Martin and the list,
>we have also some fossile ???micro-meteorites??? found in Finland in
>in Koylio, some 1,4 Ga old ??? These was found in 1960, then confimed as
>meteorites by Geological Survey of Finland and Munster university in 1998.
>Some ???120 micrometeorites??? was found. Anyway, when more material was
>collected, no meteorites was found at all. So in fact at the moment nobody
>knows, where those 120 ??? micrometeorites??? came from, so itīs
>possible, these
>Koylio ???micrometeorites??? donīt exist at all. They were discretidet
>later in 1990īs.
>Jarmo Moilanen has a more spesific story on his site;
>I have tried to find a clear difference between a micrometeorites and
>meteorites, so
>if somebody has it, please, let me know. There are several very, very
>small ones
>listed in cataloque, but the real micrometeorites is a different thing
>anyway, so the
>clear description with a "micrometeorite" would be more than welcome.
>take care,
>pekka s
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Pekka Savolainen
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FIN-71330 Rasala
+ 358 400 818 912
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Received on Thu 02 Oct 2003 03:31:53 PM PDT

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