[meteorite-list] Protecting Chondrites

From: vishnu reddy <moonyguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:52 2004
Message-ID: <20031122235159.50481.qmail_at_web41305.mail.yahoo.com>

Hi Eltion, Bill and everyone
Thank you for the adivice. I am planning to get a thin section made out of one of the fragments
but I am unsure if anything will survive the cutting and polishing process. Any suggestions on
doing thin sections of brittle chondrites? Thank you once again for the help.
clear skies

--- "E.J" <jonee_at_epix.net> wrote:
> Hello List, Vishnu,
> Some meteorites are very "friable" meaning you can crumble them with
> little to moderate hand pressure. Friable meteorites are well know but
> not necessarily common.
> The rust marks are likely just that-- rusting iron flakes and can come
> from handling and storage conditions. As I recall this arrived during a
> monsoon. You might be able to arrest the rusting/lawencite disease
> using the procedures for stabelizing irons but perhaps another list
> member can elaborate on treating a friable stone such as Burbojle(sp)
> which fell through sea ice and deeply into the underlying mud.
> Elton
> >I have noticed brown specks on my Orissa chondrite ....are these rust marks? Is there anyway to
> >prevent this from happening or at least control this.
> >Another silly doubt I have is that this meteroite is very brittle...just breaks apart when
> pressed
> >hard...is this common for chondrites?
> >clear skies
> >Vishnu
> >
> >
> >
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Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
Department of Space Studies
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks
ND 58203, USA.

Spaceguard India

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