[meteorite-list] Mars Meteorite Announcements from Meteoritical Bulletin 87-4
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:36 2004 Message-ID: <200305080015.RAA00662_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> Announcements from Meteoritical Bulletin 87-4 are appended below for the following Mars meteorites: Northwest Africa 998 Nakhlite (Algeria or Morocco) Northwest Africa 1669 Basaltic shergottite (Morocco) Sayh al Uhaymir 120 Basaltic shergottite (Oman) Sayh al Uhaymir 150 Basaltic shergottite (Oman) The Bulletin also mentions this Mars meteorite with no details: Northwest Africa 1775 Basaltic shergottite (Morocco) I do know that NWA 1775 is a 25 gram fragment found in 2002 in Morocco, and I should be receiving a photo of the meteorite from the person who posseses the main mass. Not mentioned in the Bulletin is NWA 1183, a 140 gram Mars meteorite found in September 2002 in Morocco. NWA 1775 and NWA 1183 are both paired with the NWA 1068/1110 group. SAU 120 and SAU 150 are also paired with the six other SAU meteorites. Because of the pairings and prior announcements, the number of Mars meteorites remains at 28. All of the known Mars meteorite are catalogued on my Mars Meteorite home page: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/snc Ron Baalke ------------------------------------------------------------------- THE METEORITICAL BULLETIN E-mail Announcement 87-4, May 6, 2003 Sara Russell, Editor (sara.russell_at_nhm.ac.uk) Jutta Zipfel, Assoc. Ed. for Northwest Africa (zipfel_at_mpch-mainz.mpg.de) Luigi Folco, Assoc. Ed. for Africa (folco_at_unisi.it) Monica Grady, Assoc. Ed. for Oman (M.Grady_at_nhm.ac.uk) Rhian Jones, Assoc. Ed. for the Americas (rjones_at_unm.edu) Tim McCoy, Assoc. Ed. for Antarctica (mccoy.tim_at_nmnh.si.edu) Jeffrey N. Grossman, Assoc. Ed. for Web (jgrossman_at_usgs.gov) This is the fourth electronic announcement of new meteorites to be published in Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 87, 2003 July. Here, you will find the complete text of announcements of newly described martian and lunar meteorites. Martian meteorites described below: Northwest Africa 998 Nakhlite (Algeria or Morocco) Northwest Africa 1669 Basaltic shergottite (Morocco) Sayh al Uhaymir 120 Basaltic shergottite (Oman) Sayh al Uhaymir 150 Basaltic shergottite (Oman) Also listed in MB87 is: Northwest Africa 1775 Basaltic shergottite (Morocco) The preliminary text of the 2003 Meteoritical Bulletin, including the above meteorites, may by viewed at: http://www.meteoriticalsociety.org/bulletin/mb87.pdf All information in this e-mail and on the above-cited Meteoritical Bulletin webpage is subject to revision until final publication in the summer of 2003. ================================================================ ANNOUNCEMENTS ================================================================ Northwest Africa 998 Algeria or Morocco Purchased 2001 September Martian meteorite (nakhlite) A. and G. Hupé (Hupé) purchased, from dealers at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in 2002 February, the main mass from a 456 g stone that had been acquired at an unspecified site in western Algeria or eastern Morocco in 2001 September. Dimensions before cutting: 72 mm by 65 mm by 48 mm. Classification and mineralogy (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS): a friable, dark green rock with minor orange-brown alteration products that probably are of pre-terrestrial origin. It is composed mainly of subhedral, olive-green, complexly zoned subcalcic augite (Fs22Wo39) with subordinate yellow olivine (Fa64), orthopyroxene (Fs49Wo4), interstitial plagioclase (Ab61Or4 containing 0.1 wt% SrO, and exhibiting normal birefringence), titanomagnetite, chlorapatite and pyrrhotite. The overall texture is that of a hypabyssal, adcumulate igneous rock, and the apparent crystallization sequence is olivine, orthopyroxene, titanomagnetite, augite, apatite, plagioclase. There is a weak preferred orientation of prismatic pyroxene crystals, many of which have very distinctive zoning, with cores of augite surrounded by irregular, inverted pigeonite rims (now consisting of orthopyroxene with fine augite lamellae). Trains of tiny melt inclusions are present along healed fractures within pyroxene; microprobe study confirms that most of these are K-Na-Al- bearing silicate glass, but some are intergrowths of glass and Fe- bearing carbonate, which may represent quenched immiscible silicate- carbonate liquids. Symplectitic intergrowths of titanomagnetite and low-Ca pyroxene are present at grain boundaries between large, discrete olivine and titanomagnetite grains, but are not present around chromian titanomagnetite inclusions within olivine. These observations suggest that a pre-terrestrial oxidation process produced the symplectites, and involved high temperature, deuteric fluid infiltration along grain boundaries; such fluids also may have produced the irregular pigeonitic rims on augite crystals. Secondary (probably pre-terrestrial) ankeritic carbonate, K-feldspar (some Fe- bearing), serpentine (?), calcite and a Ca sulfate are present on grain boundaries and within cracks in augite. Oxygen isotope composition (D. Rumble, CIW): replicate analyses of acid-washed augite by laser fluorination gave d18O = +3.9 +/- 0.2; d17O = +2.4 +/- 0.1; D17O = +0.30 +/- 0.02 permil. Specimens: type specimens, 20 g, UWS, 20 g, FMNH, and two polished thin sections, UWS; main mass, Hupé. Northwest Africa 1669 Morocco Purchased January 2001 Martian meteorite (basaltic shergottite) A single stone weighing 36 g was bought in Erfoud in January 2001 by Bruno Fectay (Fectay). The location of its find is unknown but Al Mala'ika was used as working name. The sample is mostly covered with desert varnish with a few remnants of fusion crust. Classification and mineralogy (Albert Jambon and Omar Boudouma, UPVI; Jean-Alix Barrat, UAng; Marcel Bohn, Brest): fine-grained basaltic rock consisting mainly of zoned pyroxenes with intergrowths of pigeonite En58-25Wo9-19Fs32-61 and augite En19-47Wo39-24Fs54-18; FeO/MnO ratio of 34 (n=312). Maskelynite (Ab41-53Or1-6An58-42) appears to be injected between pyroxene phenocrysts. Accessory minerals include pyrrhotite, merrilite, apatite, ulvöspinel, ilmenite, silica and baddeleyite. Small melt pockets with stishovite occuring as submicrometric needles. Pyroxene cores are cut by large and medium sized fractures whereas their rims are affected by numerous small fractures. Maskelynite is only affected by a few major fractures. Terrestrial calcite is present mainly as veins cross-cutting the meteorite, as in many other Saharan finds. Oxygen isotope composition (I. A. Franchi, OU): d18O = +0.30 permil; d17O = +2.85 permil; D17O= 4.91 permil. Specimen; main mass, Fectay; type specimen, 7.4 g, ENSL. Sayh al Uhaymir 120 21°00.2' N, 57°19.3' E Oman Found 2002 November 17 Martian meteorite (basaltic shergottite) A small stone of 75 g was found in the area of previous shergottite finds. This stone has a well preserved black fusion crust. This is a grey-greenish stone with porphyritic texture; large olivine phenocrysts are embedded in a groundmass consisting of maskelynite and pigeonite. SaU 102 is paired with SaU 005/008/051/060/090/094. Classification (S. Afanasiev, Vernad). Specimens: type specimen, 15.8 g, Vernad; main mass with anonymous finder. Sayh al Uhaymir 150 20°59'31.3" N, 57°19'11,7" E Al Ghaba, Oman Found 2002 October 8 Martian meteorite (basaltic shergottite) A 107.7 g olive-brown coloured stone of relatively angular shape with one small area of thin black-brown fusion crust was recovered on a Miocene fresh-water limestone gravel plateau about 43 km south of Al Ghaba by Rainer and Sven Bartoschewitz. Mineralogy and classification (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart): porphyritic texture with olivine phenocrysts up to 2 mm (Fo67-64) set in a matrix consisting of feldspathic glass (An53-66Or0.3-0.8) and pigeonite (En62-69Wo7-11) with minor Ca-poor pyroxene (En65-66Fs34-35). Shock melt veins and pockets are partly recrystallized. Shock stage S5. Oxygen isotopic composition (R.N. Clayton, UChi): d17O = +2.78 permil, d18O = +4.74 permil, they fall in the SNC field. Analysed by P. Appel and B. Mader (Kiel). SaU 005, 008, 051, 060 and 094 were found in the same area and may be paired. Specimens: 17.7 g Muzeum Ziemi PAN, al. Na Skarpie 27, PL- Warszawa, 2.7 g Kiel, main mass Bart. ================================================================ ADDRESSES OF METEORITE COLLECTIONS AND RESEARCH FACILITIES ABBREVIATED ABOVE MAY BE FOUND ON-LINE AT http://www.meteoriticalsociety.org/bulletin/mb87.pdf. Received on Wed 07 May 2003 08:15:40 PM PDT |
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