[meteorite-list] Southwest Impact Study Yousef

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:35 2004
Message-ID: <3EB6DA50.B791D5A6_at_tkc.att.ne.jp>

Dear list,
  Enough time has been wasted on this IMPACT?. I have over twenty
personal emails+ to "Yousef" and he has an "IMPACT"!!!!!!. In fact, I
have received his samples and here are my findings and confirmed by the
Department Head of mineralogy in Tokyo. His nanodiamonds were quartz,
his iridium was manganese, his tektites were rounded black chert
gravel. His fusion of quartz was carbonate calcium. The geology of
"His" area is most likely Tertiary and not Cretaceous (He has found a
B.M. but not geological maps and is a prospector?). Let "Yousef" do the
"science" and waste even more peoples' time. A MARVEL will soon appear,
and perhaps gold or stone tablets taken twice a day will help!
Until then, Dirk Ross...Tokyo.... Oh the Heat!....LOL..I dare!
Received on Mon 05 May 2003 05:40:33 PM PDT

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