[meteorite-list] Park Forest Field Report

From: Jason Phillips <jnbran_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:35 2004
Message-ID: <001501c311e2$8f0bc460$795cfa3f_at_pavilion>

Hello List,
I spent the day hunting meteorites and meeting with people in Park Forest,
IL today, and the material from what I can tell is pretty well dried up. I
looked at around 700+ meteor-wrongs that people had collected and I
personally did not find any material during my hunting of the strewnfield.
Of the 700+ meteor-wrongs I looked at I only found one real meteorite. It
was a very nice fusion crusted individual with lipping that weighed 13 grams
(you can see it on my web site at the page
Meteorites(3)). The Park Forest experience has been a wonderful view into
lives of those who do this as their profession, and it has really given me a
greater appreciation for all they do to obtain the meteorites that end up in
our collections. Thank you!!!

Take Care,
Jason Phillips
Received on Sat 03 May 2003 10:11:06 PM PDT

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