[meteorite-list] Park Forest meteorite debacle - whats a fair price?

From: Starbits_at_aol.com <Starbits_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:53 2004
Message-ID: <198.17f800a2.2bb744c5_at_aol.com>

In a message dated 3/29/2003 5:23:22 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
midwestmeteor_at_earthlink.net writes:

<< That is 7 times what they paid for it, your saying thats a fair price.

    What you are forgetting is that does not include air fare, hotel bills,
rental cars etc. In addition most dealers will keep a good sized piece for
their collections. If a lot of material is bought the cost averages down,
but if little is bought it becomes a significant addition to the purchase of
the meteorite. Some are also full time dealers so they not only have to get
their money out, but make a profit for things like house and car payments,
food, taxes, ect. And we haven't even added in cut losses.

    So is $7 for a stone bought for $1 fair? It all depends, and one of the
least important things is how much you pay for an individual stone. The
average cost per gram and how much you manage to get are much more important.

Eric Olson

Received on Sat 29 Mar 2003 01:49:41 PM PST

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