[meteorite-list] Iron cutting problems :))

From: John Gwilliam <jkg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:50 2004
Message-ID: <>

It sounds to me like the arbor you have the blade mounted to is not
perfectly (90 degrees) perpendicular to the feed direction of your saw vice
with the meteorite mounted in it. This skewed alignment will cause the
type of wear you're talking about. Make sure you're using a coolant oil
designed for diamonds saws...like Almag or the equivalent.

You don't mention the diameter of your blade, but judging by the thickness
you have mentioned, it sounds like you're using a 10 inch or smaller
blade. I have used a 20 inch diamond saw with a 0.065 inch thick blade to
slice lots of iron meteorites, including Chinga, which is very hard. Using
a small diameter blade on a big meteorite produces a lot of heat which is
one of the biggest enemies of diamond blades.

Your blade is a bit on the thin side as well. A 0.5mm blade is only 0.020
inches. This allows the blade to flex during cutting especially if you put
too much feed pressure or weight on it. Choose blade 0.050 (1.25mm) or
thicker and don't over pressure the feed rate. Your blade RPMs can also be
a source of problems. Run the blade too slow, and I guarantee it will
follow a path that isn't straight.

Campos are very inexpensive compared to diamond blades, you can afford to
loose a little more material in the cutting process. Use a bigger, thicker


John Gwilliam

At 10:47 AM 3/22/03 +0100, PolandMET.com wrote:
>Hello all
>I want to ask You how You cut nantan or any other iron meteorite ?
>Besouse yesterday I received my 5kg nantan and start to cut it on one end
>(small slice around 7x4cm) and I destroy 2 diamond blades 0.5mm. This was
>verry strange, becouse diamonds from one half of this blades was weared out
>and from another not. Now I have this blades with diamonds for example 4mm
>on one side and 5mm on another (in diameter).
>This can be any troilite inclusion or what ? Blade was cut this nantan up to
>1.5cm inside and then stop cutting and start waste blade.
>Anyone know what happend ? This was my first iron cutting on my machine.
>Thanks for help
>-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
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