[meteorite-list] Shoemaker levy?

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:37 2004
Message-ID: <20030612140125.13201.qmail_at_web12704.mail.yahoo.com>

--- Tom aka James Knudson <knudson911_at_frontiernet.net>
> Hello List, I am curious and know someone could
> answer this! If shoemaker
> levy or similar thing hit our moon instead of
> Jupiter, what would be the
> results to our moon and what effects would it have
> on the Earth?
> Thanks, Tom
> The proudest member of the IMCA 6168

I read somewhere, recently, like last year, that a
major impact event on the moon would or could create a
crater 20 miles or more in diameter. This would
liberate and millions of tons of lunar material out
into space as a cloud.... and much of this would then
a few days later rain onto the earth, and we would
have meteor shower unlike any ever seen by man, a
thousand times greater then even the Great Leonid
Storm of 1966.

And small Lunar meteorites would rain down in many
places throughout the world.

Steve Schoner/AMS

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