[meteorite-list] Holbrook

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:05 2004
Message-ID: <20030716072835.77217.qmail_at_web12706.mail.yahoo.com>

In one year, I found 3 large stones, of 238 grams, 237
grams, and 221 grams weight. All were found within 30
yards of the road going to and away from the old Arntz
Station crossing.

The 237 gram and 221 gram stones were found in a spot
within yards of each other, and the finds were made 6
months apart. The largest stone that I found, 238
grams was found about a mile and a half due east of
the two larger stones, and also within 30 yards of the

Each of these specimens were completely intact with
nice fusion crust at 95% or more. Nor were they very
much oxidized, at least on the exterior.

Here is a photo of the complete 221 gram stone that is
still in my collection. The red spots are much more
pronounced in this photo than they should be.
Otherwise the fusion crust is still black showing
clear flow lines in some places.


It has been many years since I was there last, almost
10 years in fact. But I have always had the feeling
that if those sand dunes just over the tracks and
south of Arntz Station would just blow away, many more
will turn up.

Steve Schoner

--- John Gwilliam <jkg_at_theriver.com> wrote:
> Hello List,
> Any of you that have hunted for meteorites in the
> Holbrook strewn field
> know how frustrating it can be. Most people hunt
> for days without success
> or they find very small stones that are usually in
> the less than 5 gram range.
> Fellow list member, and my good friend, Dave
> Andrews, lives in Holbrook and
> has spent hundreds of hours hunting for those
> elusive little black
> stones. Follow the link below to see a picture of
> his latest and biggest
> find to date. Dave told me the exact location where
> he made this find and
> it's an area that literally gets pounded by
> meteorite hunters every year.
> <http://www.meteoriteimpact.com/holb49-94.htm>
> Best,
> John
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