[meteorite-list] Re: Where Did The Moon Come From?

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:02 2004
Message-ID: <3F0DAF87.8040306_at_dlc.fi>

Well, I donīt see, why a scientist canīt belive in God or in a god or
just in a creator, in fact, to me, the name doesnīt matter. Then
there are scientists, who have made the science as their god, but
I think, they are a bit blind, this "god" corrects itself daily, and if
we think some 100 years backwards, the god of sciense looked a
bit different than now. It will be same after 100 years. But perhaps
itīs better than nothing, if a human donīt have a personal relationship
to God or to the creator, he must substitute it in some way. The need
to belive is built in our personal system. By whom, I donīt know, but
that doesnīt matter.

The main thing to me is, the final truth is impossible to underrestand
for human brains, just you can see the light, not UV or IP, just a very
small sector of all radiaition. So perhaps itīs more important to know,
you canīt see all than to think, all is I can see...so itīs a question of
beliving, and in this case I belive, we have to honour everyones personal

take care,


GT40dawg_at_aol.com wrote:

>A few points here:
>1) He never called or implied that anybody was a "sinner". Most Christians I know (including myself) do not spend their time looking down on non-Christians. If you're feeling angry or guilty about not being a Christian, that's easy enough to fix.
>2) I guess that anybody who believes in God is NOT a scientist...gee, I guess I wasted all of my time getting all of those college degrees. I guess I'm not a "true" scientist.
>3) A lot of messages on this board do not interest me. Therefore, I use the "delete" button. Simply put.
>4) Take a really good look at all of the "coincidences" that had to have happened to put us all here. It doesn't really matter if it took billions of years or 6 days. It happened. Perhaps a billion years to us is simply a single day to a God who is everlasting. Using your all-powerful science, prove to me that God does NOT exist. Science is about truth, and if the truth is, all of this happened by "chance", so be it. I don't remember every reading that article thought. Good luck trying.
>Just a few thoughts from another proud "Bible-thumper", and waiting for the negative backlash that's certain to follow...
>Randy in N.O.
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Pekka Savolainen
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