[meteorite-list] First report of a New Fall!

From: (wrong string) ørn Sørheim <bsoerhei_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:30 2004
Message-ID: <200302242233.XAA10866_at_mail46.fg.online.no>

At 10:55 24.02.03 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello List,

>Most specimens are very fresh looking with a few that were stained from
>being exposed to the moist ground. Unlike Northwest Africa, Thuathe fell
>high on a plateau where it actually snows so this witnessed fall was
>introduced to different elements.

I think it was this summer here in Norway, I saw a TV reportage about snow
in South Africa! I think I have it on tape somewhere.
But I don't remember the date, before or after this fall..

Bjørn Sørheim

The crusts on H type chondrites are
>generally not as shiny as LL crusts.
Received on Mon 24 Feb 2003 05:33:01 PM PST

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