[meteorite-list] unclassified NWA, any idea's ?

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:32 2004
Message-ID: <20030812152908.32012.qmail_at_web12704.mail.yahoo.com>

--- Ken O'Neill <kenoneill_at_kenoneill.com> wrote:
> *** my original doesn't appear to have hit the list
> so if this duplicates
> apologies ***
> Hi List,
> I recently acquired some unclassified NWA's and on
> examining a small stone
> noticed a tiny cavity with a pinkish coloured sphere
> embedded.
> I took a look under my digital microscope and saw
> what appears to be a
> chondrule held in a large cavity by crystals. I'm
> definitely no expert so
> would welcome anyone out there willing to give me a
> second opinion, or
> indeed any feedback.
> The images are at
> Please let me know if you have problems accessing
> the images.
> Thanks in advance to anyone wishing to comment.
> Ken O'Neill
> IMCA #9465

This looks like, at least to me, that a large
terrestrial sand grain has become embedded into a
weathering cavity on the surface of the specimen. The
fact that the grain is held by a "pink" layer in the
cavity indicates the possibility that that layer is
actually a desert caliche deposit. I have seen this
happen before, on Holbrooks and other sites. What
makes me think this is the color and what looks like
the frosty transparency of the grain, almost like

With regards to meteorite classification, I have to be
re-trained now, being that I cannot do computer repair
anymore after my recent brain affliction. I am
considering a new field, with a strong emphasis on
microscopy, and especially petrology, and asbestos
identification. I would like to not only recognize
common meteorites, which I am currently doing, but
acquire the skills to classify them as well, all the
while leaving the rare ones, which I would be better
able to recognize, to the specialists that I know.

I will be working with a disabiliy vocational
counselor to find out what this objective will take.

Steve Schoner/ams

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