[meteorite-list] unclassified NWA, any idea's ?

From: Ken O'Neill <kenoneill_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:32 2004
Message-ID: <000201c360dd$2bf10300$0201a8c0_at_btek.org>

*** my original doesn't appear to have hit the list so if this duplicates
apologies ***

Hi List,

I recently acquired some unclassified NWA's and on examining a small stone
noticed a tiny cavity with a pinkish coloured sphere embedded.
I took a look under my digital microscope and saw what appears to be a
chondrule held in a large cavity by crystals. I'm definitely no expert so
would welcome anyone out there willing to give me a second opinion, or
indeed any feedback.
The images are at http://members.lycos.co.uk/meteoriteireland/nwauncl.htm
Please let me know if you have problems accessing the images.
Thanks in advance to anyone wishing to comment.

Ken O'Neill
IMCA #9465
Received on Tue 12 Aug 2003 10:22:21 AM PDT

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