[meteorite-list] Thailand Mekong River Meteorites (?)

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:28 2004
Message-ID: <3F2D6888.7090801_at_dlc.fi>

Hello, Mike and the list,

havenīt purached these Mekong items, but I have one 700 grams
piece looking exactly same with these, and itīs magnetite. Donīt
know the location itīs from, I purached a bigger lot of Nantans,
and this beauty came with them...;-

I donīt say, some of them may be a real one, but the possibilities
between magnetite or hematite and a genuine meteorite picked from
the river, well, maybe 1000:1...

take care,


Mike Groetz wrote:

> Happy rainy, muggy Sunday afternoon from here in
>Ohio. I think the grass has been greener here than I
>have ever seen in August.
> Could anyone please tell me a little of the
>Thailand Mekong River meteorites showing up on Ebay?
>Has anyone purchased one, had one authenticated or
>know anything about them?
> They are tempting- but after being tumbled in a
>river for years I have to wonder what they really are.
> Thank You. Have a nice afternoon.
>Mike Groetz
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Pekka Savolainen
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Received on Sun 03 Aug 2003 03:54:48 PM PDT

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