[meteorite-list] New Portales Valley Specimens Ready

From: Robert Woolard <meteoritefinder_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:28 2004
Message-ID: <20030802221520.42743.qmail_at_web41504.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello List,

   I would like to say that I have just added the next
group of outstanding, newly prepared PV specimens to
my site at

   The new metal rich pieces are expertly prepared and
very highly polished. With most having a thickness of
only 2-3mm, they provide a tremendous ratio of surface
area to weight.

   Also, if you do choose to visit my site, you will
find that I only have ONE complete slice left for
sale, as I am down to my last 1/5th of material from
the PV main mass. With a surface area of almost
exactly 1 square foot, it is both THE largest and most
massive complete slice of PV in existence. If you are
interested in adding this truly exceptional specimen,
or any of the other smaller pieces, to your
collection, please contact me off list.

   I hope you enjoy seeing these new pictures.

   Very sincerely,

   Robert Woolard

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